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Forum Rules and Guidelines

Forum Rules & Guidelines

Tolerance for one another and for differing opinions is necessary. The following are the rules by which we can create an atmosphere for all people to find their own way out.

Inappropriate content is at the discretion of the moderators and administrators.

Only one username is permitted per member. If you have issues signing into your account, contact the administrator.

Guidelines for content that will be removed:

•    Anything illegal, pornographic, violent, racist or homophobic

•    Content that threatens, embarrasses, harasses or bullies another member

•    Revealing another member’s identity and/or private information, intentionally or unintentionally. We strongly discourage posting your own personal, identifying information.

•    Trolling or flaming (posting with the intent to disrupt the forum or intentionally and/or repeatedly disturbing or upsetting another member)

•    Spamming (if you have something legitimate to sell or wish to share information about a for-profit venture, send a message to an administrator)

•    Flooding (repeated posts intended to keep members from having reasonable discourse)

•    Anything else the Moderators determine is not in the best interest of the Forum and its members. The Moderators decision is final and non-negotiable.

Report posts that you believe warrant the attention of the moderators by using the “Report Post” button located at the top of every post. Someone will follow up within 24 hours.

If you feel a decision concerning a post you have written has been made incorrectly, contact the administrator/moderator for clarification.

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