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Wacko doggy....

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    Wacko doggy....

    I just had the best laugh.

    Didn't know where else to post this, but this seems a good place.

    Petey, the dog in my avatar these days, is a mutt who arrived in my garage over a year ago, looking for help. He was hurt and starving, so I fixed him up, and all is well these days. His girlfriend is Katie dog, who is the other avatar at times.

    So anyway, sometimes I set the satellite TV to the Sirius symphony music channel when I need to decompress a bit.

    All is good, until they start playing something by Igor Stravinsky, and then Petey will bark and bark his head off. What the #$%^???

    When the Stravinsky stops, then he stops barking. I mean any other composer, and he is a good quiet doggy, but give him a little "Firebird Suite", or "Rite of Spring", and he goes nuts.

    I'll never figure out these dogs. Wacko doggies. Just thought it was funny in the extreme for some reason.


    Wacko doggy....

    Neil - that's cute! (As is Petey!)

    Well, perhaps get him a tutu - is he a latent ballerina if those are the things he barks about!?!? (The Firebird - the hardest ballet in a ballerina's repertoire...well, was in 1973!!)

    Um, oh, Petey? Sure? Petrina?! Whatever, that dog's got class!

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Wacko doggy....

      Gotta love em.:h
      Doggies are such hilarious critters!

      Bungee just cracks me up on a regular basis...He's the most disloyal dog I've ever met.
      He just loves everyone...
      Little friggin' clown!
      He ran downstream yesterday with his life-jacket on.... Got on his hind legs and danced for some guys on the gravel bar... while I was loading my kayak...
      ( I guess it was supper time....)Like he doesn't already look like a "pot-bellied pig!"
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Wacko doggy....

        Sounds like Stravinsky is Petey`s favourite, Neil and he`s just "singing" along. :H
        Petey is a cutie.

        Starlight Impress x


          Wacko doggy....

          KISS THAT DOGGIE FOR ME!!!!!!!
          Just got to love that!!!!!!!!!
          Nancy "Belle"
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10

