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Another Tractor Joke

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    Another Tractor Joke

    As a little kid - Jimmy was obsessed with tractors.

    Everything he did involved Tractors. he had posters of tractors on his bedroom wall, he had toy tractors of every concievable shape and size. He had ride on plastic tractors as a toddler, radio controlled tractors as a young boy, detailed scale metal models as he became older.
    His whole house was crammed with tractor related stuff.

    The obsession lasted all through his childhood and into his teenage years
    He could tell you the engine specifications of every tractor ever made. He had also found summer work around tractors repairing them and working on them.

    In fact he was so well known in tractor circles, and such a good ambassador for all things tractor, that once he reached the age when he was actually allowed to drive, the CEO of a world famous tractor factory contacted him to offer him a test drive of their newest model, and to see if he would appear in advertisments promoting their tractors.

    JImmy was over the moon! His wildest dreams were coming true!

    Well, the big day came, and he was half way through the Tractor Test Track on his test drive, when disaster struck.
    The tractor he was driving turned over, trapping him, and injuring him very badly indeed.
    He had to spend many months in hospital.
    Although he made a full recovery physically, his obsession with tractors never did recover.

    Because of this horrific incident, he became very very averse to anything tractor related from then on.
    He got rid of all his tractor related stuff from his home, and dropped out of tractor circles completely.
    Despite his years of obsession, he basically didn't want ANYTHING to do with tractors ever again!

    So, a couple of tractor free years pass by, and he happens to find himself in a bar where he meets an absolutely lovely young lady.
    They get chatting, and it becomes very obvious that this is the girl for him. The time flies by and they are both absorbed in each other's company to the exclusion of all around, even to the extent that they are oblivious when a fire breaks out in the bar, and the rest of the patrons evacuate the building.

    Eventually, the room they are in fills with smoke and they realise what is happening and that they must escape.
    In the ever thickening smoke, they get separated on the way to the exit.

    The girl is screaming in panic because she can't see anything and Jimmy realises he has to do something ...Fast.
    He breathes out and takes in a a HUUUUGE lungful of air.
    In fact he beathes in so much, that the dense smoke clears enough for them to see easily their way to the exit.

    The two of them get out and collapse gasping in the fresh air - safe.

    The girl turns to Jimmy and says -

    WOW! what you did in there was amazing how on earth did you manage to breath in all that smoke to let us escape like that.

    "Oh that?" replies Jimmy - "that was easy ..............

    I'm an Ex tractor Fan!"


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

    Another Tractor Joke

    If you have a gun handy, would you please go and shoot yourself so I don't have to do it???

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Another Tractor Joke

      That joke always has that effect on people somehow, I don't know why ............

      Have a great Christmas / new year when it comes!



      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Another Tractor Joke


        Oh satori ... let me weep, safe in the shallow bosom of my mind ....



          Another Tractor Joke

          AAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!! Now that is the ipitomy of a " Groaner " !!!!!!!!!

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Another Tractor Joke

            We aim to please!

            Merry Christmas everyone!



            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Another Tractor Joke

              Satori, hi..... Made me smile, can't say I broke into a laugh though,, lol....
              Keep it up... Hope I don't get any threats for saying "keep it up" lol..
              TIGGER1 :l

              Formerly Mr Boop


                Another Tractor Joke

                Yeah, more of a ripple than a guffaw for me.
                And a very happy and peaceful Christmas to you, and all who read down this far.


                  Another Tractor Joke

                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

