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I can't believe I said this!

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    I can't believe I said this!

    Today is day 2 AF. I'm feeling a little fragile and anxious and disconnected.

    Today at work, a co-worker came into my office to tell me that Mrxyz wanted to have a quick word with me. I really couldn't handle Mrxyz today, he can be a bit of a pain in the ass, so I was hamming it up for my friend, rolling my eyes and thrashing myself around and doubling over hissing "Oh no! No No Noooooo, not mrxyz, oh please, not today, not now". Well, I looked up and there was Mrxyz standing in the doorway! How embarassing, poor guy....but thats not the end...I try and cover it up by bending over double and clutching my stomach and saying "OOOhhh, I've got an awful pain in my...bottom!" I can't believe it...I said "bottom" :goodjob:

    who ever says to a virtual stranger that they have a pain in the bottom? or even, what does a pain in the bottom feel like?

    So my mind was saying "Not this pain in the ass" and my mouth said "I've got an awful pain in my bottom" Oh Lord, save me from insanity.

    I have just laughed all the way home....but poor Mrxyz!

    I can't believe I said this!

    LOL! you still have a job?

    Maybe needed a little constructive critisism! :H

    Hey, who's gonna care you said "bottom" 100 years from now?!? Don't worry about it.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      I can't believe I said this!

      oh no! Socky, that's a riot. Mrxyz knows way too much! Considering it's day 2 - congrats on being fully dressed at work!!!!:H

      Way to go!!!!

      As far as feeling anxious, fagile and disconnected - it's those early days - they're pretty tough, to say the least. You'll feel SOOOO much better in a few days. That's a promise .

      Wonder xx


        I can't believe I said this!

        Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, truly laughed out loud. Thankx - needed that, tee hee.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          I can't believe I said this!

          So! This is what goes on with the employees and I hear laughter after I leave the room!! :H

          WTG Socky! Thanks for the laugh!
          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....

