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Australia goes all 'nancy'

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    Australia goes all 'nancy'

    AUSTRALIA suddenly went all nancy last night after a chef said a dirty word on television.

    Following Ramsay's onslaught many Australians sought comfort in flower arranging

    The country, which has built a worldwide reputation for nauseating vulgarity, came over all delicate and had to lie down following Gordon Ramsay's latest use of the word 'fuck'.

    Senator Cory Bernardi told the Australian parliament: "Mother and I had just watched a fascinating documentary about butterflies.

    "I was changing channels, looking for Little House on the Prairie, when I came across this dirty foul-mouthed brute.

    "I said to mother, I said, 'don't you listen to him dear, he's a filthy boy and he'll have to answer to Jesus'.

    "Poor mother - I had to make a fresh pot of tea otherwise she'd have fainted dead away."

    Senator Bernardi then loosened his trousers, broke wind and urinated onto the back of prime minister Kevin Rudd's head.

    It is the first time the issue of swearing on television has been raised in the Australian parliament since the infamous 'c**t' episode of The Sullivans in 1979.
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Australia goes all 'nancy'

    LMAO were do yo get this stuff hip. But seriously i would love to fart in the general direction of Rudd we finally get a labour party not unlike your Gordon Browne so called labour and the fuckers are tories at heart. I need to make a fresh pot of tea
    love Cap

    PS I have watched Gordon Ramsy bring back the Sullivans Haaaaaaaa the guys lame and his cooking stinks

