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If Dr. Seuss Was A Woman
I'm glad I'm a woman-Yes I am, yes I am.
I don't live on Budweiser, Beer nuts and Spam.
I don't brag to my buddies about my erections:
I won't drive to Hell before asking directions.
I act nice at parties; don't act like a clown;
And I know how to put the damn toilet seat down.
I won't grab your boobies; I won't pinch your butt.
My belt is not hidden beneath my beer gut.
I don't go around readjustingmy crotch;
or make sure my headboard bears each hard-earned notch.
I don't belch in public; don't scratch my behind.
and thrilled I'm not covered in shag carpeting.
Hair won't grow from my ears, or cover my back.
And when I bend down You can't see my crack.
I'm a woman, alas-and I'm proud, don't you see?
I'm blessed to have two boobs and squat when I pee.
I don't live for golf,or shoot basketball.
I don't swagger and spit like a neanderthal.
I don't need male-bonding;I don't cruise for chicks,
I'll never join the "Hair Club," or think with my dick.
I'm a woman, by chance and thankful I am!
I'm so glad I'm a woman, Not a man, yes I am!
I was searching for some useless graphics when I came across this. Obviously I'm not a woman but it reminded me of this thread IAD!!! Wot with recent Seuss pics.!!"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009