OK Guys who's done it?
I was forever having the tell the barmaid in my local that I wasn't there or I'd just left 10 mins ago!!. She was forever on the phone to my local pub after she cottoned onto the fact that I always had my mobile switched off for some reason. I became quite the laughing stock as whenever the phone went in the pub the lads used to give the BIG THUMB sign (like I was under it!!). When she did catch me with my mobile switched on (only on the very rare occasion) I would lie through my teeth that I was still at work. Because she knew me though and that I always, in the past, went outside the pub to answer my phone so she couldn't hear the background noise of music and laughter she would tell me she was in the supermarket over the road staring at me through the window!!!!. I fell for it EVERY TIME cause I was so pissed. She was still sitting at home waiting for me to get my arse home!!! I would end up mumbling some excuse down the phone that was a complete load of bollox STILL thinking she might believe me!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!
Thankfully I don't have that problem anymore...............I'm single!!!!LOL!!!!