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Naughty Kids Joke - if you are a small kid being lectured.

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    Naughty Kids Joke - if you are a small kid being lectured.

    Sorry if you've already seen this 100 times.

    There was a family of ballons who were having trouble getting their son to sleep.

    Every night at bedtime the son played up, didn't want to go to bed.

    One night he waited until mum and dad were asleep,
    then he crawled in the bottom of the bed and tried to squeeze between them,
    alas, there was no room,
    I know, he thought, I'll just let a bit of air out of mum, which he did :-
    He still couldn't squeeze in the small space !
    I know he thought, I'll just let a bit of air out of dad, which he did :-
    and he pushed but still couldn't fit in the small space
    I know he thought - and he untied himself and let some air out.

    He snuggled in perfectly between mum and dad and went to sleep a
    very happy baloon.

    In the morning Mum and Dad were very cross
    why aren't you in your own bed, you are too old for this !

    You have let me down,
    You have let your mother down,
    but worst of all ---

    You've let youself down !!!

    Thankyou and goodnight.

    Naughty Kids Joke - if you are a small kid being lectured.


    can they get any worse

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009

