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Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

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    Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

    Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

    1 cup of water
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 cup of sugar
    1 tsp salt
    1 cup or brown sugar
    4 large eggs
    1 cup nuts
    2 cups of dried fruit
    1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

    Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl,
    check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality,
    pour one level cup and drink.

    Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter
    in a large fluffy bowl.

    Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point
    it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still ok, try another
    cup just in case.

    Turn off the mixerer thingy.

    Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup
    of dried fruit.

    Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.

    Mix on the turner.

    If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry
    it loose with a drewscriver.

    Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

    Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves
    a sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

    Add one table.

    Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can

    Greash the oven.

    Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall

    Don't forget to beat off the turner.

    Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the
    Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.
    Cherry Mistmas !

    Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
    Sir Walter Scott

    Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

    Sounds like something I'd do (past tense.)

    So has anyone tried the cookies?


      Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

      DLA :H:H:H


        Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

        Sad, but I remember cooking a birthday cake like that once for my granddaughter. I'll never forget it.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

          Turn off the mixerer thingy.

          OMG I laughed so hard.
          Sometimes my vocal cords work faster than my brain, so I end up sounding like that=even sober. :H:H

          rubywillow, I know hun me too. One time 'helping' my youngest make a coffee cake and he put a cup of salt in instead of a teaspoon, and since I'd been drinking so much didn't notice. When I tried it the salt burned my tongue and throat.

          Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
          Sir Walter Scott


            Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

            thanks dry
            i needed to laugh:H:H:H
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

              Dry....."Stay thirsty my friend"........Ha! that was good ! IAD.( Soberity.....a way of life ! )
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss

