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Darwin Awards: Update

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    Darwin Awards: Update

    There's never a lack of applicants, it seems, for these awards.

    SPARKLEBERRY LANE / PAINT IT BLACK -- Darwin Award -- Confirmed True

    July 2009, South Carolina | Two disguised men entered the Sprint
    store on Sparkleberry Lane, pulled out guns, and stole wallets,
    purses, and credit cards before ordering the employees into a
    bathroom. Both men fled, but they could not flee from their
    own stupidity. 24-year-old James Thomas had disguised himself
    by spray-painting his own face.

    Yes, in order to conceal his identity during the robbery, Thomas
    covered his skin with paint--a toxic substance with well known
    inhalation risks. He began having trouble breathing (surprise!)
    and died wheezing shortly after the robbery took place. Witnesses
    were certain as to the identity of their assailant; had he lived,
    he would have been charged with armed robbery.

    VOTE: 2009 Darwin Award: Sparkleberry Lane / Paint It Black
    Wendy Northcutt sells condoms. "Friends don't let friends reproduce."
    Consider a purchase! Darwin Awards Gift Shop
    LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAK -- Darwin Award -- Confirmed True

    April 2008, Florida | Traffic was moving slowly on southbound I-95.
    Shawn Montero had left a Pompano Beach bar with three friends, and
    now all four were stuck in traffic. You don't buy beer, you just
    rent it, and Shawn couldn't wait another moment to relieve himself.
    "I need to take a leak."

    He was dying to go.

    Traffic was deadlocked, so the waterlogged man climbed out, put his
    hand on the divider, and jumped over the low concrete wall... only
    to fall 65 feet to his death.

    "He probably thought there was a road, but there wasn't," said a
    Fort Lauderdale police spokesman. His mother shared her thoughts.
    "Shawn didn't do a whole lot for a living. He got along on his
    charm, just like his father." Though his death was tragic, it
    proves the old adage: Look before you leak!

    VOTE! 2009 Darwin Award: Look Before You Leak
    Wendy Twitters: Wendy Northcutt (WendyNorthcutt) on Twitter
    CRUSHING DEBT -- Darwin Award -- Confirmed True

    "Double Darwin!"

    September 2009, Belgium | Two bankrobbers attempting to make a
    sizeable withdrawal from an ATM machine in Dinant died when they
    overestimated the quantity of dynamite needed for the explosion.
    Nobody else was in the building at the time of the attack. Robber
    One was rushed to hospital severely injured, and Robber Two was
    unexpectedly excavated from the debris twelve hours later.

    Uncovering the second bungler's body was a surprise because
    investigators initially assumed that the accomplice had managed
    a getaway. Would-be robbers One and Two weren't exactly
    impoverished--their getaway car was a BMW.

    "Dynamite: not for everything."
    "They really blew it."
    "Self Banking Gone Extreme"

    VOTE! 2009 Darwin Award: Crushing Debt
    Wendy Northcutt recommends 'Political Irony on the Public Option'
    MY FATHER, THE PHD -- UNCONFIRMED -- Honorable Mention

    "The World's Best Honorable Mention!"
    Let an amused daughter tell you about her sire.

    "This weekend was the final straw. Being an extremely
    cost-conscious person, Dad decided that putting half a can of
    varnish in the toaster oven to liquefy it was the cheapest approach.
    You guessed it--the stuff caught fire! I found him in front of the
    flaming oven contemplating picking up the varnish can with his bare
    hands. Two-foot flames were shooting out of the can, causing me to
    utter a line spoken far too many times in our house: "What in God's
    name were you thinking?"

    Father's attempts at Darwin Fame have included:

    1) Tipping a small boat on Cayuga Lake, NY while fishing, almost
    drowning my brother and himself. At the time I thought Mom was
    being too hard on him when she said it was his own fault that he was
    in the hospital. I have since revised my judgment.

    2) Removing a branch from a locust tree by climbing a ladder with a
    running chainsaw. The branch was not tied off properly, so it fell
    onto a shed roof that he was trying to avoid. A rope that was held
    by my mother and a neighbor slipped and both fell. Poor Mom
    sustained two black eyes because she fell headfirst onto the
    neighbor's knees!

    3) Rolling a lawn tractor on top of himself by mowing a roadside
    ditch at a steep angle, resulting in a broken rib--and poison ivy
    for me because I spent ten minutes thrashing around in the
    vegetation while we tried to roll the tractor off Dad. Again.

    4) Fourth but not last, lighting a fire in a basement trash burner
    that was not connected to an exhaust pipe. The fire department
    loves us.

    5) Putting an aluminum dutch oven on the stove, starting some water
    to boil and wandering off to watch the evening news. Note that the
    Merck Index lists the melting point of aluminum as 660 degrees C.
    When Mom discovered the situation, the pot had boiled dry, the
    bottom was melted out, the pot walls were glowing bright red, and
    the kitchen wall was starting to smoke.

    6) Testing the efficacy of old Nitroglycerin tablets by swallowing
    three at once to see if they still worked. I did say he was cheap,
    er, cost conscious. The EMS came to the rescue because his blood
    pressure had dropped to an undesirable level and he was passed out
    at the kitchen table. Mere minutes before, he was planning a drive
    to the donut shop. Thank God he didn't make it to the car before
    his blood pressure dropped!

    He may not yet have used up nine lives, but my father, the PhD,
    appears to have a running start on Darwin infamy.

    (Thank Stephanie Schaaf for sharing her eccentric father with us.)
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

    Darwin Awards: Update

    too funny have to see the movie
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

