Ole came home early from work one day. As he came in through the front door, he heard moaning emanating from the upstairs bedroom. In a panic, he charged up the stairs to find Lena naked in the bed. He exclaimed "Lena! Vat's da matter?!!? Lena replied "I'm haffing a heart attack!" Ole ran downstairs and began to dial 911. While he was fumbling with the phone, little Ole came up to him crying, and tugged on his sleeve. "Daddy, Sven is in da upstairs closet, naked!" Ole slammed down the phone, ran upstairs, and flung open the closet door. Sure enough, there was Sven, cowering amongst Lena's dresses, as naked as the day he was born! Furious, Ole shouted "Sven! Poor Lena is haffing a heart attack and all you can do iss hide in da closet and scare da kids?!!"
