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hello my name is karbihere from sandy utah

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    hello my name is karbihere from sandy utah

    this is all new to me i cant even remember how i found this web site guess it was a message from above ..

    yep im a drunk big time been in the program before managed to put almost five years of sobriety and went out after my mother and father in law passed away with in three weeks of each other what a devastating blow that lead me back to the bottle and i have been running for five years know. you would think that after i lost my husband 13 years ago in a car accident due to booze but no i have to go out and do my own research and research i have done !!!!! and guess where it got me ? in alot of troulbe with the law.... just got a dui in april and what an ugly seen it was, i have five counts against me including battery on a police officer, you want to talk about the guilt and shame? ITS EATING ME UP INSIDE CANT SLEEP CANT EAT ETC, ALL I WANT TO DO IS CRY. so here i sit now with coming up on 2 months sober again, havent been to any aa meetings yet i just moved from san diego to sandy utah, guess I have been white knuckling it im miserable anyone have any suggestions????: