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So frustrated..

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    So frustrated..

    Hi Jacy,

    Don't get down, think of everything positive in your life.

    I'm waking now, and sorting out my feelings, the usual ones are doom, gloom, and beating up on myself, but I'm making myself look at the day, and being thankful for the sunshine, or the rain, or just listening to the power of the wind and hoping it doesn't blow my roof off!

    And I make myself think about every positvie step I'm taking, no looking back, and If id do it's only to examine the reasons why, and try and work out a better way to handle it.

    I'm feeling like a hippy child, focusing on peace. Love. Happiness. Joy.

    All I can say is try it, wake up and immediatly say to yourself, peace, love happiness and joy.

    I've been doing this consciencely for months now and I feel like I'm retraining my brain.

    Hope this helps, it's helping me big time. I'm not cured, but feeling happier and drinking heaps less.

    Love xxxJas
    :thanks: :h


      So frustrated..

      Thanks Mags, Bean & Pices.

      I needed your posts. I feel better today and even more so after reading your kind encouraging words. When I am down I am down and I have a hard time pulling myself out of it.


        So frustrated..


        I am exactly in your boat. After being sober for over 30 days I suddenly can't maintain over two days sober. In my case I use it as a crutch, a numbing agent. A lot of fine people here have maintained sobriety for a long time. We can too. The weekend is coming and that will be hard but I'm gonna try. I am tired of being tired.:blah:


          So frustrated..

          Yes Hart I agree with you.

          At least you had 30 days AF that is something. I do believe there is hope for us yet.

          I don't know if anyone else has noticed but for myself when I was AF for close to two weeks and had a drink I ended up on a real bender rather even moderating. I thought that it would be easier. I guess that is why I am still struggling.


            So frustrated..

            Jacy, you are frustrated and I sooo know the feeling. My two cents: go to Walmart (or healthfood store if you have more money) and get the largest container of L-glutamine they have. Come home an immediately take two rounded teaspoons of it in juice. then take one heaping teaspoon three times per day after that. it really does help me.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              So frustrated..

              D, beat me to the Lglut response. I take Kudzu and when I am having a really bad time I open a capsule of Lglut and pour half of it under my tongue.

              The struggle gets easier as you go on. Good luck Jacy.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                So frustrated..

                Determinator;159795 wrote: Jacy, you are frustrated and I sooo know the feeling. My two cents: go to Walmart (or healthfood store if you have more money) and get the largest container of L-glutamine they have. Come home an immediately take two rounded teaspoons of it in juice. then take one heaping teaspoon three times per day after that. it really does help me.
                Hey Determinator thanks for your advice. I have looked at the health food stores and they don't have it. Is this sold at health food stores in the states?


                  So frustrated..

                  Beaches;159799 wrote: D, beat me to the Lglut response. I take Kudzu and when I am having a really bad time I open a capsule of Lglut and pour half of it under my tongue.

                  The struggle gets easier as you go on. Good luck Jacy.
                  Hi Beaches. Just wanted to say thanks if I can possibly afford it I will definately be buying that.


                    So frustrated..

                    Hang in there Jacy. :l
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      So frustrated..

                      Argggh...... Another weekend wasted. I think I am so pathetic. I want to be AF so bad yet I always find myself back at it again. Has anyone felt so frustrated with themselves that they wished they could shake some sense into themselves.

                      I know that I can do this I just don't understand why it so hard.:upset:

                      Thanks to all of you who have sending supportive posts.


                        So frustrated..

                        jacy, if it was easy none of us would be here. i have also failed to be AF and i hate myself for it. But i know that the only way i can do this is for me to do it. the buck stops here.

                        it sounds like you need some outside help, councellor or similar to vocalise your feelings. you are on a spiral of self hatred. if you are not doing any supps. think seriously about doing so. will power is all well and good but it is not enough with this bitch of an addiction.

                        thinking of you



                          So frustrated..

                          Hi roxane.

                          I had some cousenlling last year for some other stuff. It did help. The thing is that after a weekend of heavy drinking. I feel really depressed ( as we all know that alcohol is a depressant) and that is why I seem like I feel self hatred towards myself and I guess I also so sick and tired of this. I feel more positive once I am off of it and eating properly. I hate feeling this way.

                          I do some supplements and no I haven't been taking them because I haven't been
                          AF. I do plan taking them I am hoping they will help. No my willpower is not that strong at this time and do need the help.

                          Thanks for caring. Hoping for a better tomorrow.


                            So frustrated..

                            jacy re-read your last post. the answers are there!

                            i know that its all very well knowing what you should do, its doing it that is the hard part. but you will. you need to (says she who is also struggling).


