I'm on day 17 today AF and all i can think about is drink. I dreamt about it last night and have craved and thought about drink all day. I can almost taste that glass of ice cold vodka. It's driving me mad!
Why oh why do i start to think of drink with romantic notions? Why don't i remember how ill it made me?
I also get so paranoid that i'm going to become a boring old fart whilst everyone around me has fun. That is something i dwell on no end. I feel angry that i can't just have 2 drinks and have a great time. I'd end up having half a bottle of vodka to myself, and i mean a LARGE bottle.
I know that in time i'll just get used to not drinking and i'll be able to have fun just being me with no chemical influences but i just wish it would hurry up.
I did 40 days AF last year and i was still feeling like i do today. That's why i gave in and tried to moderate. Yeah right!
Anyway i just felt like having a moan.
Hope all you americans have a good day tomorrow
Charlotte xxx
P.s. RACHEL......... My work friend's hubbie is an alcoholic and has the shakes etc when he tries to stop on his own. He was taken into our local hosp this morning for de tox (i'm english by the way). He only had to wait a few weeks for this treatment. I think you go in for about 3 days and they de tox you safely and without you having to suffer much. I just though maybe you could ask your doctor? I thought it was really quick for him to get in. Quite impressive for an NHS hosp. Worth a try anyway. xxxx