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need some encouragement

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    need some encouragement

    Hi all,
    I'm on day 17 today AF and all i can think about is drink. I dreamt about it last night and have craved and thought about drink all day. I can almost taste that glass of ice cold vodka. It's driving me mad!
    Why oh why do i start to think of drink with romantic notions? Why don't i remember how ill it made me?
    I also get so paranoid that i'm going to become a boring old fart whilst everyone around me has fun. That is something i dwell on no end. I feel angry that i can't just have 2 drinks and have a great time. I'd end up having half a bottle of vodka to myself, and i mean a LARGE bottle.
    I know that in time i'll just get used to not drinking and i'll be able to have fun just being me with no chemical influences but i just wish it would hurry up.
    I did 40 days AF last year and i was still feeling like i do today. That's why i gave in and tried to moderate. Yeah right!
    Anyway i just felt like having a moan.
    Hope all you americans have a good day tomorrow
    Charlotte xxx
    P.s. RACHEL......... My work friend's hubbie is an alcoholic and has the shakes etc when he tries to stop on his own. He was taken into our local hosp this morning for de tox (i'm english by the way). He only had to wait a few weeks for this treatment. I think you go in for about 3 days and they de tox you safely and without you having to suffer much. I just though maybe you could ask your doctor? I thought it was really quick for him to get in. Quite impressive for an NHS hosp. Worth a try anyway. xxxx

    need some encouragement

    I remmember haveing dreams of drunken parties durning my soberites. It's hard.....keep your mind on other things, excercise, plant flowers, find something to occupipy your time. Take the mids, read & post ! IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      need some encouragement

      Vegan, I am here for you and listening. 17 days is amazing and good!!!!

      Hope I can help!!



        need some encouragement

        Vegan, hang in there love ..........

        You can do this ...........

        BB xx


          need some encouragement

          vegan, it does sound to me that you DO remember how sick the vodka made you feel. You just typed it down yourself. And don't worry about "missing out." Missing out on what? Ruining your liver, your brain, ruining relationships, getting DUIs? You can enjoy your life, and not be a bore without alcohol. The alcohol somehow plants that stupid seed in your brain that you can't have fun without it. Its BS!! Look at how people are when they are drunk, and you are sober. They are repetative, abnoxious, out of control, and yes, they are KILLING themselves. Alcohol is poison. It doesn't matter who you are, how much you drink. Alcohol is POISON. FACT!! It doesn't kill as quickly as cyanide, but it is indeed a poison. So, in my mind, putting any amount in the body is crazy. Sorry to the people that are doing mods, but I want to support vegan and others that are going abs. I have to remind myself that it is poison, no matter if I have 1, 5, or 10 drinks. People can actually put other poisons in there body in small enough doses and live. But why the hell would you? What is the point? But we do it with booze. Its insanity.
          where does this go?


            need some encouragement

            You are probably in the hardest part. Just stick to it and you will find it will get easier.
            Gabby :flower:


              need some encouragement

              Hi Veg, with you on the consuming cravings tonight, luckily there is nothing at all alcohol related in the house, even a rum n raison ice cream would do me just now (grin). Funny (not) how this takes us over at certain times and then we do fine for a while, then it starts again....... ho hum, good to know that we are not alone as I did think that for a long time before I found MWO. Thinking of you and with you tonight. Lx
              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                need some encouragement

                Hi vegan.
                Promise you`ll be fine. Am good tonight, but was like something possessed last night, wanting a drink.

                Good luck,

                Starlight Impress


                  need some encouragement

                  Hi vegan~

                  All I can say is hang on. Don't think about last time-think about this time & things will be better. This is temporary. It's just the alcoholic mind taking turns with vegan's AF mind. Your brain needs to adjust to life without alcohol in it.

                  When temptation of "alcohol tasting so good" - why don't you try a nice treat. Something delectable or healthy(protein) you enjoy that will fill your belly. I guarantee the satisfaction of a treat (justify it as a reward for being AF) and the contentedness of "being full" will help eliminate the craving.

                  Chin up-you can do it!
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    need some encouragement

                    Hi guys,
                    Thanks for your replies they really do help
                    I'm feeling alot better today. I got thru the cravings. I just sent my grumpy arse to bed early. Woke up feeling happy and proud. I even got some praise off my work friend today when i told her i had'nt drunk for 18 days today. She said "well done, you can do it".
                    It's comments like that that keep me motivated so a big thankyou for replying to me.
                    Charlotte xxx

