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fireworks have my dogs upset

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    fireworks have my dogs upset

    OK, I know this may be silly but my poor dogs have had a terrible week. The whole neighborhood sets off firecrackers all week at nite and it just has the poor guys pacing and shaking. On top of all the firecrackers going off now its thundering and they don't like that either. I don't see this stopping anytime soon either, its gonna be a long week.


    P.S. My neighborhood has alot of summer homes in it so everyone is in party mode when they are here.

    fireworks have my dogs upset

    Hi Sammys, check with your vet to see if you can give your dogs gravol... When our dogs hear a loud sound they are looking for the bird or duck that is down.. Ha !! Ha !! Your poor babies don't understand... Be patient and try to sooth them without making a huge fuss over them and make them worry even more.. Dogs are soo sensitive... I wish you luck and a quieter night tomorrow. ~Niblet~

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      fireworks have my dogs upset

      Sorry sammy. I am so lucky that my dog is completely okay with them. I have a friend whose dog goes literally nuts and will not calm down for a whole week. It is really sad. Hope they calm down for you soon.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        fireworks have my dogs upset

        I saw a thing somewhere where they said July 5th is the busiest in animal shelters due to animals taking off to seek refuge from the noise.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          fireworks have my dogs upset

          Maybe a white noise machine or a fan turned up really high might help muffle out some of the noise. I had a dog like that 20 years ago. We always knew when a thunderstorm was coming because she would start freaking out long before we could hear anything!

          I feel for your pups and for you, sammys! Hang in there.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            fireworks have my dogs upset

            My vet gives me Ace Promazine for my dog who can't take storms or fireworks. We will give it to him tomorrow morning and again in the evening. It really helps. It's like vallium for people.
            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              fireworks have my dogs upset

              Bring your doggies inside Sammys if they are not already inside. I love doggies.


                fireworks have my dogs upset

                Sammys, I sooo sympathize---my Molly dog is terrified of any loud noises-even frisbees!!! We bring her in for a 3 day holiday, only going out for needed breaks, and sit with her through the rest. She HATES fireworks! She does love treats though, and we give her plenty when the fireworks roar!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                  fireworks have my dogs upset


                  I can relate to what you are writing. Earlier yesterday evening, someone had a 4th of July fireworks rehearsal. Unbeknownest to me, a child riding in the backseat of my car had lowered a window. With the first explosion, the dog jumped out of the window into busy traffic. The emergency vet treated her for broken teeth and cuts and bruises, and said to be aware that she is likely to be phobic of loud sounds because of the associations with the injuries. When the rest of the family watches the nearby fireworks tonight, I'll be in the quietest part of the apartment holding the frightened dog. I know that it is hard to anticipate what kids are going to do, but people with dogs and cats should check to see that car and home windows are closed unless they know the animal not to be a jumper.

                  :heart: E


                    fireworks have my dogs upset

                    Sammys, my Yorkie was shaking like a leaf last night. All I can do was hug him. Tonight is another night of fireworks. I have plans to go out on our boat to see the fireworks in NYC. It's likely I'll pass on going unless I find a dog sitter. Poor little guy. He really gets nervous at the sound of them. For me, its best that I stay home with him and just hold him.
                    September 23, 2011


                      fireworks have my dogs upset

                      It's true the pooch's are having a rough time with the holiday. But I have instrucked my dog in the proper way to light off fireworks ! Only kidding !:H My dog Max hates it too !
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        fireworks have my dogs upset

                        Sammys, I so know what you mean sisyer! I have the 5 dogs and across the road from me, these people set of fireworks nearly nightly from Memorial day through Labor day! I hate them! My dogs are barking constantly. The one it scares the worst is Reardon 140lb baby. Last night he slept with me. I turn on the tv to try to muffle the sound. So then I don't get any sleep. I really don't think anything works, because after the first one goes off they are on edge waiting for the next. So feel for ya honey.


                          fireworks have my dogs upset

                          Sammys yes your doggie needs doggie sedatives. Make sure next year you hook him up.

                          When I had my Buddy (a Yorkie) I always got him a pill for 4th of July. Man I miss that doggie I loved him sooooooo much. :bigcry:
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            fireworks have my dogs upset

                            I'll never forget when I was driving down our busy hwy road in town and saw a Dalmation laying off the side of the road one 4th of July about 12 years ago.
                            I called up the owners who I thought the dog belonged to and asked if their dog was around. They said that the fireworks scared him and he jumped the fence. I said that I may have found him hit off the hwy. How do you explain that to your children? He didn't make it.

                            I never let my dog go outside. Only potty breaks. We live on a lake and it sounds lake a battlefield here. She is too precious to me!



                              fireworks have my dogs upset

                              Happier I to live on a lake and its a crazy. Next year camper I am getting the pills for them for sure, why not they could be sleeping right now.

                              Thanks everyone,

