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In the land of mules there are no rules !

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    In the land of mules there are no rules !

    What kind of rules do we have to keep to deal with our sanity ? Do we go on & on walking through life in a dizzy haze or do we deal with the problem head on ?
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss

    In the land of mules there are no rules !

    good question, wish i had an answer,

    i do my own head in when im not drunk, questions with no answer fill my head,

    drunk, i survive on auto pilot, functioning, just, choosing not to engage my brain,,

    some where tho in my sub concious a voice keeps tellin me,


    IM LEARNING TO LISTEN , BUT how do i deal with the answers, xx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      In the land of mules there are no rules !

      I wish I could help you.......My heart goes out to you ! For I k now where you come from ! Don't stop posting & Reading ! IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        In the land of mules there are no rules !

        IAD;159358 wrote: What kind of rules do we have to keep to deal with our sanity ? Do we go on & on walking through life in a dizzy haze or do we deal with the problem head on ?
        I'd say if your in a dizzy haze you need to drink a little more to find a better balance
        Sorry I couldn't help myself.

        I wish every day I were like the " normal" people who can take or leave the booze without
        a problem. We all have to find whatever tools or motivation we can muster up to help us
        deal with it . I'm still searching, and btw, I'm a little fuzzy here today as well. The only thing that takes the fuzziness away for me is fitness. Get the endorphines flowing and all the aches and pains go away and out comes my inner self.

        I gotta figure out how to bottle this stuff ??:H


          In the land of mules there are no rules !

          endorphines only sem to work when im angry, aches do go away but im horrible, i really do need to do an activity that is dangerous or something get the adrenaline going, may b sky diving, lol,
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            In the land of mules there are no rules !

            Head on, baby! Head on!!
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              In the land of mules there are no rules !

              Sky diving ! No No No.....It's not the death wish you want ! Volenteer doing somethiing
              .. Soap Kithen, Homeless shelter......etc.......IAD:nutso:
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                In the land of mules there are no rules !

                rachel28;159373 wrote: endorphines only sem to work when im angry, aches do go away but im horrible, i really do need to do an activity that is dangerous or something get the adrenaline going, may b sky diving, lol,
                sky diving is about the only thing I haven't done and indeed it does give a rush , but no endorphines are released . In a fright flight situation I think the major chemical released is adrenalin . You get endorphines ( also known as the runners high) from prolonged aerobic activity.
                Like last knight when I rode my mountain bike 2 1/2 hrs through the mountains and covered about 40K. I felt wonderful for the remainder of the evening.



                  In the land of mules there are no rules !

                  lol, i shud nt say this, but endorphines, can u gt em from sex! out the question at mo bf got man flu!!!

                  i been thinking bout gettin bike again,
                  used 2 have 1, used 2 like riding thru woods,
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    In the land of mules there are no rules !

                    rachel28;159414 wrote: lol, i shud nt say this, but endorphines, can u gt em from sex! out the question at mo bf got man flu!!!

                    i been thinking bout gettin bike again,
                    used 2 have 1, used 2 like riding thru woods,
                    Endorphines from sex.................................I guess if you can go at it for 20 minutes and keep your heart rate in the 60% percentile.......sure you'll get em . But then agin, after sex
                    there is a euphoria, especially after the smoke and the nicotine that follows .:H

                    I think maybe best to get a bike, or run or join an aerobics group and or and or ??

                    Is man flu same as the BIRD FLU.......................sorry I couldn't resist.:H


                      In the land of mules there are no rules !

                      man flu is definatly worse than bird flu,
                      im gonna get a bike, will b able to go out with my lad up the woods theres some nice trails up there, ill prob break my neck, but i did used to love it, years ago, thanks spounge, xx
                      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                        In the land of mules there are no rules !

                        I used to go mountain biking , the only problem was what I was carrying in the water carrier and it was not water.

                        Fell off a few times and I am not joking..


                          In the land of mules there are no rules !

                          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                            In the land of mules there are no rules !

                            Hi all :-)

                            No endorphines from sex.... but shitloads of Dopamine (much better!)

                            Dopamine receptors are responsible for sucking up all the booze and illegal drugs you might take and making you feel good...

                            Cocaine is a dopamine receptors best friend (so I read)

                            I'm not helping am I? LOL :0

                            David xxx
                            The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                            Oscar Wilde


                              In the land of mules there are no rules !

                              Robert Smith;159418 wrote: edit..........Is man flu same as the BIRD FLU.......................sorry I couldn't resist.:H
                              I know a chinese lass who tells everyone she has asian bird flu every time she get a cold.

                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

