Mods has been going well for me these past couple of wks., apart from Mon. night when I would have did almost anything for a drink, but that desperation passed and I feel I can comfortably moderate again. Really think I could probably moderate period, although it would take me a lengthy period of time to feel as if I could really trust myself to never over-indulge again.
On the one hand, I feel attempting to moderate can be emotionally draining, but I chose that path for myself as I was so absolutely determined not to give up wine. On the other hand, I am beginning to think : "What`s the point?", as I always drank for the buzz, and as there is not going to be even one evening when I`ll allow myself to drink sufficient to get `high`, is there any real point in my drinking at all.
I mean, drinking my allotted `rations` is no longer giving me what I sought from wine, so perhaps it`s time to give it up altogether???
Did anyone else arrive at abs for this reason?
Feel confused.......
Starlight Impress