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Why why why

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    Why why why

    Why can't I get more than a week AF under my belt? Actually, more than 6 days..Does anyone have advice for me? I mean really good useable advice..a plan of some kind. I am back on Day one now. Sigh.....

    Why why why

    Make a conscience decision that this is it. Do the supps religiously. See a Dr. to possibly prescribe something for cravings. Do the cd's & exercise. Take alcohol out of the equation (none in house, avoid drinking situations till you can handle the temptation, do not buy any). There are no miracle pills-only determination, will power, tools & a drive to do it. Sobriety is not for sissies. This is a battle-you need to prepare for it as that. Good luck & never give up. What you put in is what you get out. The more AF days you have the stronger you become. Good luck, stay focused & never give up. If one thing doesn't work-tweak it & try again.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Why why why

      I agree w.Breeze
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Why why why

        Once again, Breez has such wonderful words of wisdom. Buy the Kudzu and take it with the L-glut. Just tell yourself every day, drinking is NOT an option, and the more you learn to live without it, the more you will love yourself. You have to wake up every day not worrying about tomorrow, but only saying to yourself that you can control this today. Then let tomorrow take care of itself. Of course tomorrow, you will say the same thing - only one day at a time - and start to feel how much better you feel.
        My love coming your way-hope you can catch it!!
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Why why why

          yes to what Mags said~ wake up each day & say "Today I chose not to drink". It puts you in control of the day.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Why why why

            Breez I think I needed that big slap in the face - thank you- sobriety is not for sissies really did it! :h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Why why why

              Yep, Breez--AF is NFS!! Not For Sissies!

              Day at a time, hour at a time....sometimes it's as basic as I'm not going to have a drink in the next minute....

              The other "trick" for me is to take special care to remember how I felt the next day--depressed, demoralized, hopeless, despairing...AND hungover! So, don't only imagine how that first drink is going to be, but also force your imagination to also remind you how it will feel when you wake up....

              You might even want to write yourself a letter telling your future self how you're feeling right now....ask that future self NOT to have that drink and tell her may sound corny but I've found it's stuff like this that works....
              :l :l
              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                Why why why

                Breez is have to fight for it and WANT have to want it more than you want the booze. It is hard! AND you have to work for it. Do everything Breeze said...I fill all my spare time up...leave no time for drinking....NONE.....I mean NONE...I am always busy. Idle time means drink me, all the time you have spent drinking, you have neglected things...look in your cabinets, under your couch, closets, etc....clean, garden, FIND something. ANYTHING!


                  Why why why

                  Its not why its just when, decide when is right for you and then go for it. If now is the time follow all the great advice you have received here. I can not add to any of it cause they hit it right on the nose. I know its easier said than done but you have us to lean on, and if you really want to I am there for you.

                  Hope this helps,


                    Why why why

                    I'm still having the same problem...

                    But I'm finding that owning up to my emotional issues, mainly with parents, that led to a string of bad exs, and finally giving up being a victim and being proactive in my recovery and regaining my sanity, mental health, and seeing a doctor and the psyc and councellor (all working 24/7 on me, not really, lol) taking the supps and Campral, and going to the gym everyday after work, meditating each night, and taking up scuba diving that I've always wanted to do, and most importantly, talking about it, venting, and talking about it, and even more importantly, adopting a positve attitude, and being grateful for what I have, is helping, and yes, it's keeping me busy too, oh I forgot, walking my dogs as often as I can.

                    Whew, I'm exhausted, but I'm drinking heaps less, sleeping better and getting closer to total AF!

                    Love Jas xxx
                    :thanks: :h

