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How is Your Perspective?

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    How is Your Perspective?

    Hello all

    Not sure how many of you know me, I do more reading than typing..

    To be honest, I only seem to post or reply on here when I am feeling low..

    Seems a little unfair when I come here looking for support and I'm not giving any back..

    I've only been on here for a couple of weeks, so hopefully, As I do better with my drinking, I'll have some inspiration to offer everyone else looking for input...( I suffer depression/anxiety that all but disappears with 3 days AF..)

    Drinking excessively makes me feel depressed and hopeless and withdrawn and scared and isolated...But I still drink...

    It's been 3 days AF and I am now on beer number three (so totally sober).. I know I will be quite drunk by the time I go to bed...I cant stop now...

    I've been doing 3 days AF, think I can sort it all out myself without you all and then get drunk and log right back in the next day...Followed by 3 days AF, then getting drunk again....

    Still, I am at least drinking less and very aware of when and how much I am now drinking, which is better than not remembering what I've done 3 mornings a week...

    Ive been drinking way too much for a long time, I know it's not going to turn around overnight...But I HAVE started, which is the most importaint thing...

    I'm also determined not to be too hard on myself...I've read posts by people who were once drinking 2 or 3 bottles of wine a night, hating themselves because they drank a bottle of wine after 3 weeks AF!

    Realizing and doing something about your drinking problem is awesome!

    Becoming obsessed about it and expecting unrealistic results is really quite detrimental...

    I could feel like guilty all day tomorrow for getting drunk tonight or I could use it as a reminder and then congratulate myself for making a start and having 3 days AF before getting smashed again (which is a vast improvement from 3 weeks ago)

    What do you think?

    David :l
    The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
    Oscar Wilde

    How is Your Perspective?

    Hi David,

    Yes your drinking has definately improved (I read you original posts) all baby steps are good.

    Don't wait to log on next time, it doesnt matter if you don't feel like you can offer support that will come when you are ready, and none of us are experts we just speak from our own experiences. Just pop into one of the daily threads and say hi, and have a good read, I think you will get more out of the site that way.

    David you need to believe you can get beyond that third day, you sound like you want to so go for it. Make it to 4 days and see how you go, you will feel so much better. I can identify with the anxiety and depression you feel and you know your drinkng is a contirbuting factor if not the actual cause.

    You sound like you "expect" to get drunk every 3rd day and I think you would benifit from changing your mindset about that, what do you think? Well done on your progress so far though.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      How is Your Perspective?

      I apologize for starting 3 identical threads...

      I thought I was editing my post but was posting it!

      I'm not even drunk!


      The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
      Oscar Wilde


        How is Your Perspective?

        Don't worry about the 3 posts. We'll just keep picking different one's to respond too and you will have to keep up with us!

        I think that's great that you are changing the way you think about drinking and that you are starting to see your cycle. 3 days off then back on. When you feel yourself start slip that's the time to take action. Push it to the third and so on. The triggers are one of the biggest hurdles to overcome.

        Good luck!!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          How is Your Perspective?

          Hi David,
          Even if you`re still getting blasted a couple of nights a wk., the fact that you`re punctuating those nights with 3 consecutive AF nights is a major and vast improvement in your drinking.......well done to you. Have found myself obsessing about the booze lately too, and like you say, it`s most detrimental to our peace of mind.

          No worries if you don`t post much..........everyone here is making a contribution, even if only reading.

          Be proud of`re doing great!!!

          Good luck,

          Starlight Impress


            How is Your Perspective?

            I. Wind,
            Don't demend yourself ! We are all idoits ! We go on & on.....Read & Post !!!!! IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss

