last weekend I did OK with a couple drinks Friday and Sat. On the one hand I felt good that I could do it and limit the amount, but on the other hand I had this strong impression on me that I was still putting poison in me and that nothing good could come of it.
I know it is the triggers of life (stress: money, job, family, old mistakes, sins, failures and the reality of they're fruit) that cause me or move me to want a drink.
Yesterday having a house full of partying drinking people I joined in, but did not moderate well. I am mad a me today, and realize that moderation may not be for me.
However... I must figure out how to deal with the things that throw me over the edge. I trust and turn to my faith continually but still fall because we are not perfect.
I have been to the Doc about my Medicine (efexxor) and he increased for now but we agreed I should go to a Psychologist to talk through issues and the underling problems for the need of medicine...(next Thursday)
From my viewpoint I have never thought very highly of psychotherapy as these people are just like us, and they listen and take our money but does anything ever get resolved?
Maybe some of you have some feed back on this.
Well Bless you all, as we continue on the journey...