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Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

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    Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

    I must admit I really didn't like what I found here:
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

    Can alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

    Bipolar and Alchoholism
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

      This sort of analysis strikes me as semantics: accordingly the author, a person is an alcoholic if they can't be reconditioned to drink socially. Those who were successfully reconditioned were mere "problem drinkers." When the argument is set up this way, the author has to be correct. Isn't it more accurate to just say that some people with a drinking problem can be successfully reconditioned?


        Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

        I would agree with you Drew after reading it again. Does seem like a convenient generalization or two is being made.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

          Please Remember as you read below, that Alcoholism is a chronic Disease, and strikes anyone anywhere, just like cancer or A.I.D.S. It, If untreated, can and will kill those who are affected by this unpredjudice condition.

          Right there he's begged the question.

          So below Are the opinions of Medical Professionals, not necessarily my own!!

          Actually - I've read the thing twice and I'm still not clear on whose
          opinions are whose!! The guy really needs an editor! There are so many non-sequitors that I'm having a difficult time understanding his point, except that it seems to me he could have just written the first quote above and stopped!

          Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that he may have stacked the deck - given his opening statement I'm hard pressed to believe that those are the only relevant studies out there.

          Finally, what's the deal with all the brain chemistry stuff just stuck on to the end? That's
          the interesting research avenue IMO!!


            Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

            No....If your trully an alcholic you'll never be able to moderate. Sad but true. IAD:upset:
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Study: Can Alcoholics be conditioned to drink socially?

              I have to agree with you IAD. Moderation is hell. It just exagerates how much I want to get wasted!

