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After 25 years I am leaving my husband

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    After 25 years I am leaving my husband

    Hi SKendall,
    Am so very sorry to hear that your husband and yourself are to part. It must be particularly difficult, having been together 25 yrs...........a great deal of `growing` can be done over such a length of time. Seems you`ve discovered much about yourself as the alcohol began to have less of a grip on your life. I think the drunk and sober versions of ourselves are almost like 2 different people and as the sober side of us begins to surface, we often view the world around us so very differently..........

    I hope somewhere nice turns up for you to settle into, and that you manage to keep your wee cherished dog.

    It takes real guts to `get out` rather than continuing to muddle along as best we can.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress


      After 25 years I am leaving my husband

      my thoughts r with u xxxx
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        After 25 years I am leaving my husband

        SK, I am thinking of you. I can't imagine....even when it is something you still stinks and is very hard. I am glad you get to take your doggie, they do bring comfort. i am so sorry.


          After 25 years I am leaving my husband

          So sorry you are hurting SKendall, I wish you well.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            After 25 years I am leaving my husband

            I wish you all that you wish for yourself ....

            Love & Hugs, BB xx


              After 25 years I am leaving my husband

              I've been married twice. Thier comes a time in your life when you say enough is enough....! For what ever reason. IT'S FUNNY but when we first marry we do it without much thought. When we marry again we look for all the things we don't want. IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                Skendell, I'm going to take the position here that after 25 years, It's just not working for you any longer right? 25 years is a long time but it was probably a long time coming as well. You have struggled and deserve harmony and happiness. You only get a small amount of time on this planet,People grow and change not always the way we hope. I hope you find the right place for you and your little pug. If you like the east coast, your always welcome to stay here with us awhile. I hope your pain heals quickly.
                The Biggest hugs


                  After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                  Skendall, you are in my thoughts. Stay strong.



                    After 25 years I am leaving my husband


                    I am sad for you that it has come to this after 25 years, I pray you may find happiness again.
                    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                    Marilyn Monroe


                      After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                      I've been where you are my dear and it hurts like hell. You will emerge a stronger and a different person. Thoughts and empathy,



                        After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                        My heart goes out to you..I know it must be one of the, if not the, hardest thing you have ever done...You will be in my thoughts and prayers....To your new journey...:l Buckle


                          After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                          Hi SK cant imagine the pain..but will keep you in my prayers.....sometimes change has to happen and i hope you have some support from friends and family etc.

                          Hope you dont slip back in your drinking goal..but understand completely if you do.Keep coming here for support.

                          Thinking of you at this time of transition///regards Cassy


                            After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                            Dearest SK, You are one very diplomatic lady. I wish you well and so very sorry to hear your pain... I cannot imagine . Sorry, but I'm at a loss for words. Hugs to you, ~Niblet~

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                              Dear SK,
                              Wow. Big decision and I know you di not come to it lightly. I respect your mind very much and therefore believe you are doing what is right and best for both of you. Transitions are tough but you are a tough lady. Get in touch with your friends now. Keep in touch here. You will find a way. And pray. Prayer opens doors.
                              Lots of love, C


                                After 25 years I am leaving my husband

                                SK- CELEBRATE YOUR FREEDOM!!!
                                I think you are going to like it! You are leaving what does not work for you behind you and moving towards something better. Independence is a very nice thing! I wish you all the best and trust you are going to be just fine. Just stay away from too much vino!


