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What should I do?

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    What should I do?

    Hi Sue
    My boyfriend doesn't really like me coming on here either - I think it's the embarrasement factor that I may spill my guts & someone would work out it was me ! Have embarrased myself enough times in real life for that not to matter. I think he has always been ok when it was just the 2 of us who know about my problem but not comfortable with me discussing it openly.



      What should I do?


      My husband doesn't know I visit this site as I log on from work as our evenings are so hectic. I'm sure he'll support me if I did tell him - whatever works for you.

      I'm so sorry that you're being put in such a dilemma. Please don't give in just because he doesn't like it if you feel it's helping you. I've got such good advice since joining up about 3 weeks ago and hopefully have made some longterm friendships. It seems that he can't give you a valid explanation as to why he doesn't like you going on it, but I think you should explain why you feel it's helping you. I know with alot of men it's an ego thing and if they can't help you then nothing can (sorry for those guys out there who break the mould).

      Hell, we're all in thesame boat, so how can he be so anti about us?



        What should I do?

        My husband knows about the site has even talked w/people on the site thru me. He has no problem with this site and I can't imagine why he would? He knows it helped me go AF for over 30 days and he was too. He might wonder when he sees my phone bill to Janie tho.:H Na, he's USUALLY a pretty good guy.....


          What should I do?

          My husband is really weird about me being here as well and kind of makes snide comments about me coming to "chat with people" and other things. I have tried to explain until I am blue in the face. I am not sure what his deal is but I won't stop coming here.

          Lots of good advice from people here and Hablur I agree you're pretty cool!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            What should I do?

            I know exactly what everyone is talking about, I also have had to stand my ground and tell my other half that I need this. He used to get upset like I had a boyfriend that I was talking to. But now that I have been here since Dec. and he clearly sees a difference in me he is OK with it. He will say now who are you talking to et. once in a while, but he does see that this has helped me. It has been a road with twists and turns because I for one realized he was being verbally abusive to me, very easy to do when I was hung over or drinking. But now that I had told him to knock it off or I am out of here he is really trying its hard to break the old lifestyle at times, but I am never going back to how it was me drinking to cover the stress or being hungover so I just basically cowered down to it.

            Change is good, when you have something like this!!!!


              What should I do?

              My hubby loves this site cause it explains so many things to him - perhaps get your hubby to read some posts that you really connect with - you might find that he ends up with a ka-ching moment when he reads some of the stuff on here.

              Cheers and good luck

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                What should I do?

                Supervising in the kitchen - I HATE THAT. My other half always does and when I am not looking he will stir it or turn down the burner, drives me wild!
                Good job!:goodjob:


                  What should I do?

                  i wish my OH knew where the kitchen is!

                  he knows about this site and he's fine, after all, he has ebay.



                    What should I do?


                    I agree totally with hablur,

                    If your hubby or bf can't get over the fact you might need help and support from other people in the world who understand and share the problem, then clearly it's his problem and something he needs to work on.

                    As we all know we are not here to cheat or decieve anyone, we only want to tell our story and get support from people who understand.

                    I hate to sound cynical, but do these some husbands and bf's also get angry when you go out without them, say with friends or family? or if they think you give too much attention to your kids? Etc etc.....

                    To put up with this kind of control is soul destroying, it strips away your self esteem and makes you feel guilty for innocent pastimes, pleasures and in the case of MWO, getting the help you need.

                    These blokes need to wake up and get a life, or else they deserve to be left. And the freedom to be yourself is much more satisfying and helpful to personal growth that bowing to the whims and rages of a controlling jerk.

                    Yes, it pushed all my buttons.

                    Love to all, Jas xxx
                    :thanks: :h


                      What should I do?

                      luv u jas !!!!
                      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                        What should I do?

                        Thanx Rach, lol

                        Cranky bitch I am hey!

                        Love Jas xxxx
                        :thanks: :h


                          What should I do?

                          cranky bitch or moaning whore !!! (hormones) !!! xxxxxx
                          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

