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Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

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    Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

    Hi everyone Ive enjoyed reading the posts this week I did say I was going to become a silent member but its hard when I read a posts and I want to give words of encouragment etc so Im back !!!!!

    Anyway Im 20 days AF now and I feel like me again taking each day at a time because I dont want to fall of the wagon and feel depressed about it again!!!!!

    When stopping drinking I get the usual withdrawal symptons sweats shakes nausea guilt etc but the worst of all I get real bad panic attacks i can deal with everything else but not them the only way to calm my self down is to light up a ciggerette and even then that doesnt help much so i just ride it through until the next one comes along Ive tried Rescue Remedy that I bought from holland and barrett but even that doesnt take it away!!!!

    When im sober i never have panic attacks I was just wondering if anyone knows why alcohol brings them on and why they happen I know I could research this on the internet but id prefer answers from real people please

    Thanks for reading :happyheart:

    Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

    Hi Keepon, I also suffer panic attacks, but not when sober also.

    I think that it is because alcohol is a depressant so it makes it easier for panic to take hold, which is a good incentivce for me because panic attacks are soooo scary.

    BB xx


      Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

      Keepon, I have had panic-attacks after drinking. The next day usually. I think maybe alcohol just brings out our insecurities. Alcohol affects mental health. When I was drinking heavily, I had depression, panic-attacks, self-loathing, you name it, I had it. But, the feeling I got with P As is so awful isn't it! All the more reason to stop the drink and claim my personality back!!! I forgot what I was like!!! All the best and fantastic job on you AF days Love, Bella xxxx


        Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

        I know exactly what you`re talking about when talking panic attacks.
        To anyone who hasn`t experienced them, what I am going to say may well sound absurd, but it`s very much what sufferers experience..........when I have a panic attack, it`s almost as if I am terrified of `everything`, yet I can`t for the life of me define the `everything`.My nightly drinking had seen my life almost turn into one continuous panic attack.

        If it`s any consolation to you Keepon, I can tell you that whilst I am still sometimes experiencing a general anxiety, my panic attacks have been far less frequent and intense, since I started to greatly reduce my drinking this past month.

        I wish you well on this Keepon.

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress


          Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

          I, too, have experienced this debilitating panic when drinking...I would wake up drenched in sweat and absolutely terrified....and my experience was similar to everyone else's... And while I know there there is a biological reason for this I also believe that, for me, this terror was existential and had to do with fear for my life and future. I know that there were times when I would be alone and drinking when I would just sit there, tears pouring down my face, rocking back and forth and saying over and over: what am I going to do, what am I going to do?

          I still have anxiety to a certain extent but NOTHING like that despairing panic

          Best wishes~~
          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

            Funny guys, I never experience any anxiety attacks until I became SOBER! Seems alcohol suppressed that for me.

            Mine has got to be all stress related and alcohol relieves stress for me. Duh.....thats why I drank. Now I am wingin the stress on my own.
            Gabby :flower:


              Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

              I had one once or twice and close to it about 15 times it sucks, I know it was stress related for me now but at the time you think you are dying. I finally figured it out with my Doctor after about 3 visits to her. It is something so weird I know, I am ok now because I realized what it was after a while but at first it is scary.



                Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

                My panic attacks only come around when I am sober. It's always been that way. I always used alcohol to avoid them, because I knew certain situations would trigger them. Thank god for valium!


                  Does anyone suffer panic attacks???


                  These panic attacks, anxiety, sound as if they are symptoms of your withdrawl from alcohol.
                  They can be horrifying, I know.

                  One sure way of avoiding them would be to stay AF! But another would be not go go "cold turkey" again but to get a Rx from your doctor for withdrawl symptoms.

                  Congratulations on 20 days AF!! Tomorrow makes 3 weeks!!!! WOW!

                  So Keepon, keep on can do this!!!!!!

                  magic xx :schmokin:
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

                    Hi Magic

                    I know this sounds thick but whats a Rx from doc's???

                    and yes 3 weeks tommorrow thanks


                      Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

                      Rx = prescription

                      Abbrev. from Latin "to take" .....

                      Congrats on THREE WEEKS! Fabulous!
                      "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                        Does anyone suffer panic attacks???

                        Thanks Sujul you learn something everyday here

                        And what medication would i ask for ??? to help prevent bad withdraws and panic attacks??


                          Does anyone suffer panic attacks???



                          You are not thick! A wise soul, I believe.

                          I should have been more specific. My apologies.

                          You can't take the nurse out of the nurse. Sorry.

                 are so quick on the draw!

                          It is up to the doctor, really, what he/she prefers. Librium, valium, I'm sure there are others as well. Best to just speak to him/her about it.

                          Keep on stepping. One step at a time. :thumbs:

                          magic xx :schmokin:
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir

