Lets set aside parenting differences. Just to tell you, as I was reading the previous post, my daughter came up to me and just grabbed me around the neck and said, "I love you."
So where does that leave me? Slamming my laptop shut to listen and hug her too. She said she was sorry.
Does that sound sappy and sweet? Yep.... but she wanted to once again bring up a list of stuff. I told her I was happy to talk about it, but we need to set a time for it, and when could she do that? She said, "NO", right now!
She was clearly violating MY boundries, which were stressed, tired and not up for it. So I very calmly said again, "Gin, lets set up a coffee time for this, because I am tired, and I accept your apology, but you are trying to bring up things I am not prepared to talk about right now. My final answer."
She walked away in a fit, and went upstairs. Little did I know, that my husband had listened in, and when she rounded the corner, he came out and said he was waiting to help if needed, but was giving me the high five! I was like, "but she apologized!" He said.... she didnt mean it. He could tell.
I've learned a TON today from all of you and some good friends who have raised some awesome girls...