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Mothers and Daughers

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    Mothers and Daughers

    Happy honey, you didn't offened me about hte friend thing. My biggest thing with tarah is I j ust can't figure out where we turned the corner that's all! One day maybe she'll come to here senses. Right now I just feel like a dollar sign to her. She is moving into a new house and the children's rooms need sprucing up. Well who better to do it that Mom who is a designerat Mom's expense! Whoa? A little angry? But your right about the friend thinf I have a sister who has 3 sons. Her youngers who is 17 with ADD, she let quit school, get a huge lip ring and now has his right arm sleevewd with a tatoo from elbow down. Because she wants to be the cool Mom. I at first thought she was over compensating because his Dad died suddenly of a heart attack when he was 15. But in retrospect, she has been like this ever since before he died. To much to go into. I love you silly Camper! Allie, I pretty much wear nothing but skirts, send your girl this way, she can borrow a few of mine. I even forget what I have sometimes. So she won't even have to return them! On the floor of my closet is usually where you will find mine too!


      Mothers and Daughers

      I'm always broke, but can scratch up a few bucks if the NEED is there, but as my kids know I live week to week, and I'm happy that way, like my daughter says to me now, ' you're not motivated by money', and its true, i've always let my kids know that the best things in life are free, love, caring, compassion, helping others, nature, animals, a walk on the beach that turns into a chasing game of pitching seaweed! and the dogs have a ball, so funny...

      Skirts can be bought from vinnies for 50 cents, and I laugh at how many times I've walked into work to 'wow' where'd ya get that? Vinnies I say with a smug smile, 50 cents, lol

      Start being poor Simey, it's fun.... and I'm a greenie, recycling is good for the earth!

      My daughter and I crack up over my bargains, and I get her some too, and she wears and loves them,

      It's a great hobby too, sift thru the crap for the treasure!

      Don't be a dollar sign, be a non dollar sign, it's much more fun!

      Love from poor but happy Jas xxx
      :thanks: :h


        Mothers and Daughers

        Hi "poor but happy jas" way to be honey.

        Guess you and the canny Scot think alike!!! LOL

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress


          Mothers and Daughers

          jas u r cool, lol u sound like my ma ! but cooler an younger obviously.. !!

          she has started trawling charity shops an buyin stuf an get this making money selling on e bay,,

          only thing is she keeps getting me to model things that r well lets say minging !!!!!!!!!!!
          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


            Mothers and Daughers

            Helped my daughter move last week.
            We filled up several thrift shops!
            It felt great and the house is so much calmer without the clutter...

            I don't know if I shared this already or not but it was just so funny-sad.....
            The son-in-laws x of six years, came to the sale and bought tons of "Stuff" back.
            She has two houses full and has rented a storage unit.....

            OCD? Probably......

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Mothers and Daughers

              Had BIG fight with my daughter on Tues. (unusual for us)... it was a "I am 18 I can do what I want" fight...she was sooo obnoxious...I could vomit. Well, I left with my husband for 4 days wthout her...first time she was left alone at home. She did fine. by day three, she was calling me.. " Hi Mommy... when will you be home?" I am lucky. I have a wonderful child. I have to remember that. Even when she is totally obnoxious!!
              formerly known as bak310

