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ashamed 2 write this!

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    ashamed 2 write this!

    why is it that when u start to feel positive something very quickly grabs a hold a you an drags you back under?

    that something i ve discovered is ME

    yesterday after work i stupidly without even thinking grabbed a bottle a brandy an jumped on the bus, y y y , after all i said,

    my bf only bought 16 beers, not the usual 36, BUT the sun was shining an all the locals were out in the beer garden, so we went pub,he said just 4 one an have a chat wiv em all, a nice social drink, id hid the brandy, from him,

    i drunk my pint quick so had to get another, a lady i no was sat with the biggest bruise down her face an a bloodshot eye, we got chattin, i had 2 ask how, its not the first time i ve seen this on her, we got chatting an her husband dissapeard, she got cramp in her foot an fell on the banisters, MY ARSE the bruise was in the wrong place,

    i think seeing her bought bk so many memories an really riled me up,

    only had 2 in the pub but bf sensed id had more, he is learning, he asked if id had brandy, damm he s gettin good, its a blessing but i felt so ashamed,

    ALSO i had 2 much money left, because i owe on a bill , i just keep forgetting, i told him this an give him my money an then

    BOOO HOOOO BOOO HOOOO, i was off crying my eyes out sobbing y do u want me im fxxxing useless, im a bad bad mum u know the story,

    i think now he really knows i need locking up, an cant b trusted cos my free will is so weak an feeble i cant even go in a supermarket without buyin brandy, i feel so stupid,

    i fell asleep curled up on my bf, woke up an drunk beer fell asleep again, woke up soaked, id poured a whole can over my self in my sleep,

    good job we got a leather sofa, it hasent stained, been drying it out this morning,

    im not gonna beat myself to much, i just know i really need to speak to this counceller an get detoxed quick, I DONT WANT TO BE THIS USELESS PERSON, so y y y am i drinking brandy in my coffee now, cos i got work in a min an need to feel normal, what a waste of my life, BUT im not to down, im gonna go town, 4 LL glut an poss kuzudu if they sell it, im still trying xxxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    ashamed 2 write this!


    I'm so glad to hear you're thinking detox. It sounds like it's going to seriously help. I envy people who've had a chance to get educated and do a round of rehab. what an amazing way to learn about yourself!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      ashamed 2 write this!

      i wish i could look at it that way, tryin 2 get bf to c i cant just stop alone is hard, but he is starting to realise what a mother of a problem i got, got 2 go work,now. catch u later scoobs xxx
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        ashamed 2 write this!

        :l Rachel,
        You can do this. Accepting help is a good thing. Hope you have a good day.:h
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          ashamed 2 write this!

          Oh Rachel ... Get a bloody grip.

          Geez, you've got all these people rooting for you. Get on the case. Can you at least try?


            ashamed 2 write this!

            Its not easy to ask for help Rachel but once you do, you will be sooo glad you did. You need to find the real YOU again, the one you like!!! Don't beat yourself up about anything. Be kind to yourself. I remember very well hiding a bottle of gin from my husband and while we were having social drinks, I was toppong up on gin and lemonade. I remember thinking how clever I was that he did not notice. But, he thought it was odd that I was getting drunk so quick! Been sober for a while now and I am beginning to like myself a little bit now. Take care of yourself Rachel. I think its so great that you are able to come here and share everything with your MWO friends. We are here for eachother. Lots of love, Bella xxxx


              ashamed 2 write this!

              Never ever say that you`re ashamed of`s the drink that`s shameful(or rather, shameless!!!) not us.

              Look inside yourself and love the `real` you...........that good woman and mother you see there is the real you.

              I feel for you Rachel.. I know you are really trying. You`ve got an enormous problem drinking as heavily as you do, but the problem doesn`t make you any less a worthwhile human being.

              Drink to us really is like the carrot to the donkey...........we can`t alter the fact that we crave the drink.............we can only take steps to avoid it, and we all have to take those steps for ourselves, but sometimes we need a helping hand.

              I feel quite angry that the system has let you down so`s shocking that you have to be queued for an assessment by the alcohol much longer do they expect you to pay your`re entitled to that help RIGHT NOW!!!!!

              Please, go back to the doc`s on Monday morning and tell him the longer you have to wait for your assessment , the more damage you are doing to yourself. I think it dreadful that sometimes we have to fight for our rights, but I think you should fight to be assessed soonest. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF RACHEL!!!!

              Sorry to get on my high horse, but I feel you having to wait for the help you so desperately need immediately, is an injustice.

              Look after yourself this weekend.

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress


                ashamed 2 write this!

                the fact that you are aware that you are hurting yourself and you need help is a good sign. you are aware of your drinking problem and how it affects those around you. I really think from reading many of your posts that a rehab is what you need. I support you. you need to heal and get strong again.

                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  ashamed 2 write this!

                  Check yourself into a state detox or psych ward or ER or whatever. Why ar e you putting off waiting to talk to some counsleor when you are in such dangerous shape. This has NOTHING to do with will power or being a bad mum or any character defect. You are sick and you need help now. You can only get it in a detox ,!


                    ashamed 2 write this!

                    Rachel, I read your post all the time and I have followed everything about you since you first came here. I know you are getting better. You are very special to all of us. Please take a minute and think about what your loved ones life would be like without you. What would happen if you died? All the wonderful things you do, say, give, help, and love would be gone. You are needed and loved. I am afraid if you don't take care of yourself, we are going to lose a wonderful bright light in our lives. You cannot go on like this; you must get some professional help. Please, for me, give up and be willing to do whatever you have to do to get help. Enough is enough and you are at that point. It is OK to do this. If nothing else just go to some kind of a place of worship, and tell them you give up and need help now. Everything else will be ok. It really will. Please Please Please. Do this one thing for me.
                    I love you
                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      ashamed 2 write this!

                      Listen to MDbiker rachel...he is very wise...more so than me regarding this...hear what he is saying,.hear how he loves you....

                      do not listen to your boyfriend!!!!!


                        ashamed 2 write this!

                        Rachel, take care and don't be ashamed. It's apparent that you have been trying, it must be overwhelming and you probably need professional help. I wish you the best.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          ashamed 2 write this!

                          Please do not be ashamed. I have been ashamed so many times before and felt like it was my fault because I did not have the willpower to control alcohol on my own. Now I realize it has very little to do w/willpower. Those of us w/alcohol problems have a different brain chemistry. If you have to blame anything, blame that. You know you need help and have the motivation to do it, but you just can't do it on your own at this point. I hope you can get help soon.


                            ashamed 2 write this!


                            i know what u feel i feel like a peice of shit im new please someone who still drinks give me some imput i need help mom is here watching she set me up here she and i both have a prroblem not her fault genetics yeah right it goood to blame it on her thats my job actually we get along well ,but that means we have the same problem . we can get along with anyone ,but its hard if no drinks mom is reading and feeling guilty you might know her db2fromala she aint scared
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              ashamed 2 write this!

                              morning all, i got flu !! thats what i get 4 laughin at bf, hopefully by mon, i will have appointment an they can sort me out, thanks all , u r great xx
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

