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ashamed 2 write this!

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    ashamed 2 write this!

    Rachel, i've only just caught up on this, Listen to MD, you are loved here by many.......

    I know that its difficult in the UK but try and get your appointment quicker ...

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      ashamed 2 write this!

      Hey Rachel! I just posted that I didn't know what was up, didn't turn the new posts page! Don't beat yourself up! Just hang in there, and get a Dr. to help probably need some really good care and heck, a lil rehab if you think it'll do you good! We've all made great strides, then fell flat, I know I have....whew, it hurts too! You just have to climb back up on that horse girlfriend, we're here for you!
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        ashamed 2 write this!

        Hi Rachel,

        don't give up you are gettin there

        I just want to say - ditto - what evryone has said, I agree with everyone

        Good Luck for tomorrow,

        Diamond x
        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe


          ashamed 2 write this!

          Rachel, I care about you a great deal. It's time!! I can't stress that enough, do it before something irrepairable happens to you. I can't help to think your boyfriend is an enabler. Does he really want you to change? Has he gone to 1 doctors appointment with you? Perhaps he should, to grasp the gravity of the situation. You are to young with to much life left, let's get the professional help we need.


            ashamed 2 write this!

            Read what my daughter wrote last night to you


            It truly breaks my heart to see both of you young girls going through this!! I thought if she saw this site it might give her hope.

            Unfortunately, she doesn't have a computer at home so she only could log in once a week anyway.

            She started crying when she read your post and used my log in to reply to you. She wants you to know she is pulling for you, too!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              ashamed 2 write this!

              Hi Db,

              I've been busy for the weekend, but on catching up on posts I did see your daughter's.

              I understand she can't always get on line, but I think it's quite easy to log off and on again so maybe she could have her own "handle".

              She could read and post when able then next time she would have some replies of her own.

              Just a thought. and best wishes to you both.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

