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The truth comes out?

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    The truth comes out?

    Hi everyone hope all is well on this monday morning!!!!

    I was wondering..........

    When drunk alot of us SAY and do things we would never dream off doing sober yeah?

    Well over the years Ive said alot of messed up stuff whilst drunk.......and been told the next day what I had said........Ive been very shocked ........and think to myself why would I say that???????????????

    So many people say that when you are drunk the truth comes out.......I personally believe this is not true........I am interested to see what your opinion of this was so I can put it to sleep once and for all..........Thanks for reading

    :thanks: :groupluv:

    The truth comes out?


    i don't feel the truth 'as it really is' comes out, sometimes an exaggerated version of the truth comes out, I mean say the husband leaves toilet seat up once a week, well when drunk it may become every time he goes to the loo !! etc.

    But sometimes when drunk I would imagine problems and state them as truth !!

    So I think it can go both ways 50/50.

    This doesn't really help you does it??


    Diamond x
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe


      The truth comes out?

      Thanks Diamond

      It does help......I understand what you mean when drunk the truth gets exaggerated.....

      Have a lovely day x


        The truth comes out?

        Hello Keepon

        I can only talk for myself... I think the "Truth" does come out after a few... But when I have been really pissed, I know my brain chemistry has been so messed up that I have had no idea what I was saying and have been totally gutted as a result....

        SO my answer is NO, the truth doesn't come out, you have just drunk so much that your brain fails to function properly (sham our mouths don't stop first)

        David xxx
        The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
        Oscar Wilde


          The truth comes out?

          Thanks idiot wind........I agree with the mouth stopping first.....hehehehe:H


            The truth comes out?

            I don't think truth and drunk go together in the same sentence. If you want to know the truth, never ask a drunk.
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              The truth comes out?

              Maybe and exaggerated truth but never the true truth.

              So the answer is a NO..


                The truth comes out?

                I think it is like a dream, it all "makes sense" at the time until you wake up. Same with alcohol. So, I guess it is the "truth" as we know it at the time, a brain fogged, chemically induced truth that make absolutely no sense at all.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  The truth comes out?

                  I think the drama comes out when drunk. I have said to my husband I'm leaving you and your worthless! and worse; These things I would not even think of while sober. I think it was the fighting side of me that surfaced when drinking. That's why I said those horrible things. Just to have something going on!


                    The truth comes out?

                    Hi simeybear

                    Yeah I agree the nasty side comes out in me too.......sober im polite and caring and understanding.......I like being that way......helping others.......BUT when i drink......Im nasty.....i dont care about others feelings and I get a bad atitude......


                      The truth comes out?

                      keepon, I think our feeling surface and comeout they are sometime over exaggeratted but more than not what we want to say but are to afraid to say it. In your case and in mine also I am careing and thoughtful of others but quite often others have not reciprecated and when i have had a few too many out come the hard done by side, the nasty side, the f%#k you I have been understanding and been there through thick and thin but you can't give me the time of day side. Don't think it is the "true" us but think it is the bottled up truth to an extent. Just my two cents worth anyway cheers kim
                      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                        The truth comes out?

                        I think that the truth does come out...well for me anyway personally.

                        Normally I think before I say anything but after a few drinks I just speak out what is in my mind. Yes has got me in trouble a few times. As they say alcohol loosens your tongue. I loose all my inhibitions and whereas sober I would bite my tongue if someone has upset me, when I've had a drink I find it very hard to do so.


                          The truth comes out?

                          I agree with Lotus - the truth loosens the tongue and I usually end up saying things that I wouldn't normally. Exaggeration as you've said is very common and I've done it myself.

                          Sadly though on numerous occasions I've been so out of it that I don't even know what I've done, let alone what I've said - that's one thing that I despised about myself when I drank. One damn good reason to get it under control. I used to test myself to try to remember when I was drunk what the last thing was that I did or watched on TV for example. If I woke up the following morning and could remember it was a bonus. I know it's probably too much information, and I am sober at the mo, but my husband would say what great sex we'd had that night and I couldn't even remember it. What a waste!! Anyone else here experienced that too.

                          Like Cindi says - the chemically induced fog takes over.



                            The truth comes out?

                            I think that we might speak a version of the truth after having a couple, but it is effected by alcohol. Alcohol might give us the courage to say what we think, but it still comes out under the influence. When we are drunk, however, all bets are off. Alcohol effects our mood and our delivery greatly. We are emotional and blow things out of proportion. I have tended to be a happy drunk, but on those few occasions when I have gotten angry, I was irrational and ugly--really stupid. I felt a great deal of remorse the next day. What I said that was true needed to be put in an entirely different way, and a lot of it was bullsh*t.
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              The truth comes out?

                              Alcohol is a laxative for the mouth. A few drinks and you get diarrhea of the mouth. You just let it all out-truth, happiness, hateful, honesty~it all comes out in one big heap.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

