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The truth comes out?

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    The truth comes out?

    I agree with Breez's funny version of verbal diarrhea (I can never spell that bloody word!) but also agree with others that after a LOT of drinks when the brain is really mushed, it is definitely not the truth.

    Sometimes I wonder for us women, if a repressed side of us comes out after drinking. I abused poor Mick and looking back on it I think I was actually hurling anger at him that was old anger towards my ex-husband, but took it out on the totaly perplexed Mick. I can't remember besing so cruel to him but when he described it to me, I have concluded that I was so drunk that I was saying it as if it were to my ex. Weird, I know, but a brief attempt at explaining my repressed anger theory.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      The truth comes out?

      Sweet Cheeks;161177 wrote: I agree with Lotus - the truth loosens the tongue and I usually end up saying things that I wouldn't normally. Exaggeration as you've said is very common and I've done it myself.

      Sadly though on numerous occasions I've been so out of it that I don't even know what I've done, let alone what I've said - that's one thing that I despised about myself when I drank. One damn good reason to get it under control. I used to test myself to try to remember when I was drunk what the last thing was that I did or watched on TV ... my husband would say what great sex we'd had that night and I couldn't even remember it. What a waste!! Anyone else here experienced that too.
      Yes yes yes to all of the above. I'm only 36 days AF but that mentality and dealing with those self recriminating thoughts all feels like a lifetime behind me now.
      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        The truth comes out?

        I have been drinking a LOT lately, as has my husband. HE gets mean and says things he regrets. Yes, I think a lot of it is true but not ENTIRELY, and he definitely focusses on the negatives. Me, I've had entire conversations I don't even remember, who cares if what I said is the truth, won't do me a damn bit of good if I can't remember it.:H Day one of AF for me for sure, today!


          The truth comes out?


          I've just been reading this post and I know that when I wake up after too many, I always worry if I said something I shouldn't, can never remember if anyone telephoned, or worse still, if I phoned anybody in that state! I hate who I become when I'm drunk and would do anything to know when to stop!

          I'm going to stay with my Sister at the weekend. It's her Hen Do on Sunday afternoon. I would love any words of advice on how not to make a fool of myself, mainly on Saturday night when she takes me out for something to eat. Why is it, just the one glass of wine, never stays that way? At least on Sunday, I am travelling home so that should help!



            The truth comes out?

            i cannot remember most things the morning after. i get looks of 'cant you remember?' but i know for sure that when i'm drunk i bite my lip. its when i've been AF that my true colours show. i know that its not the drink talking and i will remember what i said, so i get brave and sometimes say things that i wish i hadnt! backwards or what!


