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Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

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    Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

    Good news (from Australia, I may be a bit behind),

    It has been discovered that alcohol does not kill our brain cells and that we are indeed able to regenrate our brain cells.

    Well I dont know if that is good for us to know or not :H
    Good job!:goodjob:

    Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

    Not so fast....

    No need to get too excited yet.... Brain cells will regenerate ONLY after the person reduces their intake or becomes abstinent....also, while the brain cells may regenerate there is this: [hint: it's about the dendrites, which carry the messages between brain cells....]

    "Of course, years of alcohol abuse can cause serious neurological damage, including Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Harm can be done to message-carrying dendrites on neurons in the cerebellum, a part of the brain involved in learning and physical coordination. But even in such extreme cases, there’s a lack of evidence that alcohol kills brain cells.

    "However, abstinence after chronic alcohol abuse enables brains to repair themselves, according to new research involving rats.
    During simulated alcohol “binges,” rats’ ability to create new brain cells was reduced. But after the animals no longer consumed alcohol they had a “huge burst” in new brain cell development. The study is the first to demonstrate that brain cell production can return after abstinence from alcohol abuse.

    "People who drink too much and are thinking about either reducing or eliminating their drinking should find these findings encouraging, although humans have not yet been tested directly for the positive brain effects."
    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


      Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

      How long does the period of abs have to be?


        Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

        Since they've only succeeded with rats at this point, there is no clear evidence that this is even true of human brains, much less how long the regeneration would take....sorry, Lucky....unless you're a rat.....
        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

          Well there goes that... woe is me
          Good job!:goodjob:


            Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

            Yeah...bummer aint it, Finkle? Sorry I had to be the messenger on this one....
            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

              But wait, from that avatar, there is no solid evidence that Lucky is not in fact a Rat instead of a duck. She may be the luckiest one here, sneakin out of her rat cage at night in the lab to log on to MWO........
              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                Yeah....Rot, ya think? I mean we never really KNOW who or even WHAT is posting here, do we....?
                "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                  Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                  LOL - you may indeed be correct. You never know what is posting...
                  Good job!:goodjob:


                    Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                    Probably just as well!!
                    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                      Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                      Is this where I am going wrong? Should I be keeping my brain in a cell?

                      Enough is enough


                        Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                        LOL - yes of course, its much safer that way...
                        Good job!:goodjob:


                          Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                          I think just like everthing else, how alcohol effects people is a very individual thing,

                          eg some people can eat chocolate all day and stay skinny, some eat a little bit here and there and stack on the weight.

                          Some drinkers get liver desease, some don't.

                          Not trying to say drinking is good for us at all, we all know better, but I reckon it affects people in different ways, my pop was an alco, but died of emphasema, why ? cause he loved a smoke with his drink. He was 87...and a jerk!

                          Just my opinion...

                          Love Jas xxx
                          :thanks: :h


                            Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                            uh, can someone pls explain all this to me? (Or maybe I should wait a bit-- I'm only on my 3rd day abs...)
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Alcohol does NOT kill brain cells

                              Lucky's avatar is an amorphous presence from the 4th dimension. Ever changing and mysterious just like her.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

