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5 years today!

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    5 years today!

    Hi All.

    No, not 5 years sober- I wish! Its my son's 5th birthday today. What a great age that is. So many years ahead of him to experience so many great things. I hope he uses these rolling years to the best of his ability. I wish that I could protect him from all the dangers in life - like I can now. But, unfortunately I can't do that; we are supposed to learn by our mistakes aren't we?!! It would be fab if he learnt from mine. So I just hope he is bright enough and wise enough to have fun.... safely! Children are so pure at this age and open to the exciting world around them. I'm so lucky to have him.

    Happy Tuesday everyone. Reach out for your goals today.

    Lots of love, Bella xxxx

    5 years today!

    Hi Bella

    Hope your son has a :bday7: :day4: !!!!!!

    And I know what you mean about protecting them Im a single mother and im not looking forward to my sons teenage years if his anything like me hehehehehe

    Have a great day luv Keepon


      5 years today!

      Happy Birthday!

      What a lovely age...

      Mines 21 now, and after 12 years apart not knowing each other (his dad took off with him at age 4, I didn't find him again until he was 16) we came back together with a soul connection, because he's just like me, lol

      But at least I can advise him, and he listens as he knows after so much time apart I'm not using this precious time to just spin him some shit, and luckily he understands, he's not perfect and has made some mistakes, but he hasn't repeated them and is working hard and wants to travel.

      I wish you all the love in the world between you and your baby boy, and hope it continues through both your lives, and that you keep your connection safe and warm in your hearts.

      Lot's of Love, Jasmin xxx
      :thanks: :h


        5 years today!

        Happy 5th birthday to your son!! I know what you mean my son just turned 2 on the 7th. They have so much to look forward to, don't they and so do we!!

        Have a great celebration.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          5 years today!

          Hope your wee boy has a fab. birthday.
          Think all we can do is guide them as they get older and hope for the best.
          Hopefully with our love and support, they`ll live good and happy lives.
          I look at all my own `mistakes` and pray to God that my kid doesn`t make the kind I made.

          Starlight Impress


            5 years today!

            Bella, 5 is the best! Enjoy this special day and all that are to come.
            Hugs for your little man


              5 years today!

              happy b day for your baby boy enjoy the innocence, mine is 10, 23 rd july. man he was cute at 5, school has a lot 2 answer 4, but now he thinks he is a teenager,

              im praying he is not like me but im going grey already so im kinda knowing how mum felt lol

              i wish u the best day, an also many more to come xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                5 years today!

                Hi Bella!

                My son just turned 5 (2 mo ago). It is a wonderful age. They are so innocent with a twist of wittyness. This is the age where I'm noticing the "boyness" come out.

                Happy birthday to your little guy!
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  5 years today!

                  Give him a BB hug for me bella xx


                    5 years today!

                    Happy Birthday to your man cub, My daughter was 8 last week and I am dreading the Credit card bill.

                    Hey but shes worth it.



                      5 years today!

                      Here's wishing your little boy a very happy birthday !!! 5 Is a wonderful age.. They grow up too fast these days.. Enjoy his birthday cake and remember.... you can have a second piece cause you're now eating for 2 !! Giggle !! Giggle!! Hugs, ~Niblet~

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        5 years today!

                        Happy Birthday to you Little Man, Bella! Five is such a precious age! They love to act like little adults--except when they don't! I hope he enjoys his special day!
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012

