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A stupid dog question

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    A stupid dog question

    morrison;161661 wrote: Your dog is Klan and you know it!!!
    Morrison I know you said you were just kidding, and I do believe you when you say that, but I don't think that that organisation is anything to make a joke of.

    Sorry, don't mean to be a stick in the mud.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      A stupid dog question

      I don't think we can project our thinking onto dogs - my dog is a dog, not a human being, and she acts like a dog, which can be misinterpreted as acting like a human. I think she prfers to be a dog, somedays I would too.
      As for the "klan" - never does any good to take people like that seriously does it? In Oz we tend to laugh down people like that (we had a whopper of a racist politician a few years back - Pauline Hanson - and she was great for a few laughs)
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        A stupid dog question

        Cashy - "Please explain?!"


          A stupid dog question

          I think we were just trying to understand why our animal companions--as dogs or cats--react to different people the way they do...I am definitely not projecting that my cat responds to men with any type of "accent," i.e., anything which is classified as "non-standard" american....I might have fun with projection as a way of explaining it, but the real point was just noticing an observed phenomenon and discussing it.

          I agree that ONE effective method of dealing with offensive people/groups is satire or any other way of showing how absurd are their positions--Dave Chappell comes to mind...this brilliant African American comedian/satirist made mincemeat out of the Klan by totally mocking them...or his comedy skit, "The Niggars," one of the most brilliant skits I have ever seen in which a white family has "Niggar" as a last name--the endless playing with the word in the context of this family was not only hilarious it showed racial prejudice for the absurdity it really is....both I and my African American partner watch this skit periodically on DVD--and it gets more brilliant the more you watch it....

          Of course, there are definitely different approaches to uncomfortable topics...but satire and even broader humor can be very effective...
          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            A stupid dog question

            Oh Tawny - what's xenophobic mean again??!!

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              A stupid dog question

              "fear or contempt for foreigners or strangers" I guess it's either/or...
              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                A stupid dog question

                Sorry to confuse you Sjul - this politician got called xenophobic on television and she didn't know what it meant (and it was what her whole political pkatfrom was based on!)- thus the famous quote from her "Please explain?". She demonstrated nicely to millions of people what an idiot she was and, by association, what an idiot you have to be to be xenophobic!


                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  A stupid dog question

                  :thanks:, Cashy! I had begun to work myself into a state here...
                  "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                    A stupid dog question


                    We Aussies not as dumb as we sound/look etc!!

                    Cashy xx
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      A stupid dog question

                      Hay my dog barks @ me when I get home ! Man's best friend ! (bull sh--) Some dog are really high strong ! I really love this pooch...but sometimes I think he can't smell worth a crap ! That's what he is suppose to let them know whose comig aroud ! IAD
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        A stupid dog question

                        I have killer dogs, they will lick you to death! But my little one humps her bear whenever company arrives, lol.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          A stupid dog question

                          when I was growing up...

                          we had a dog named midnight. midnight or course was black as pitch. this dog barked like a banchi at any black person. we never knew why. we always joked that the dog had grown up with so many white people she didn't know what color she was! just because your dog is rascist doesn't mean you are!


                            A stupid dog question

                            what i did not see a big deal made out of and only mentioned once about the dear canine was smell. they smell everything ( yeah you know what im talking about) ever walkied into someones house and smelled something that brought back a huge memory? a woman or man wearing perfume or cologne that grandpa or grandma used to wear? even though they cannot see color they smell in color...for lack of a better... also a hat, glasses and such that has been mentioned earlier. i dont think a dog can pick a color to like or not to like but a smell from something may set a memory off. if you smell brownies you know you want them. if you smell sh*t you know you know this from experience.this is what comes to mind....keep it simple stupid... i love them but they are dogs not einstein! and neither am i for that matter!:l


                              A stupid dog question

                              I don't know what you are getting at Mojo (then again, I'm still waiting for my brain cells to return after several weeks of abuse--- sorry Sujul!)-- do you mean dogs can smell a person's color? If so, you are either being really funny or... I dare not say it. Anyway, on that note, I totally agree that satire is a valid way to deal with serious issues (and loved that story Cash-- no you're not as dumb as... oh, never mind). On that note, got any good drunk jokes?
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                A stupid dog question

                                Thanks guys, for all the imput. iI think Nancy asked if Mamie was a shelter dog. Yes she was. All 5 of mine have been resuced. Mags a great idea to take her into the park and let her mingle with some people of color, only thing she get s car sick. Rox, I think I will give Ben special treats to hand out to Mamie because she has never met a treat she didn't like! She is just an odd little character. I am not getting rid of Ben, he is my quarterly eye candy! hehe! He and I did sit down together on the front steps and I tried to get Mamie to come over to us, but no deal she just barked at him. He has his own dog, but I don't think it's his dog scent because she goes to the groomers/kennel and never a problem. She is Mamie Eisenhower our little diva. Thoses of you with access to photo gallery can see the little rag-a-muffin there!

