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Why OH Why?

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    Why OH Why?

    1/2 of a fifth of Vodka last night

    No apparent trigger...Instead of ice water when I got home I made a martini....Why... i have not done that for 5 some months? Then another and another, etc..

    I was not upset, not mad, not angry, just stupid!
    Control the Mind

    Why OH Why?

    Hi Rocky,

    Don't know the answer to why i'm afraid ............

    Just make sure that you don't do it again tonight ......

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      Why OH Why?

      hey rocky we don't know why we do this if we did we would have the solution hey. We just do what we do. get up, dust off and keep going mate, that is the best we can do against this beast. Don't let him win mate you are worth more!!!!. Kimbo
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Why OH Why?

        Rocky I can relate to you. I have done the same thing in the past. I have questioned myself and have wondered why I didn't practice some sort of restraint. I just did it. After coming home from a long day of work, I whipped up one of my favorite cocktails, only to have drank a 1/2 bottle of Absolute! I was ridden with guilt the next day and very worried as to why I picked up a drink in the first place. Don't beat yourself up. The next time you decide to make yourself a martini, ask yourself is it really worth it?, do I really need this drink?, and practice some form of constraint not to drink it. Go out for a walk, jump back in your car, just do something. Really try to avoid to pick up in the first place. The guilt is just not worth it.
        September 23, 2011


          Why OH Why?

          Rocky, I don`t know what caused you to drink last night either, but last night was just that..........last night.
          TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!..........start afresh.........last night is the past.....only present and future truly matter.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress


            Why OH Why?

            Thanks everyone...

            I just feel alwful. I'd like to slug myself.
            Control the Mind


              Why OH Why?

              Hey Rocky

              I figure you are being way too hard on yourself mate...

              "Normal" people get totally shitfaced more than every five months and just suffer a hangover, less the guilt...

              Just like we all got things out of perspective when drinking, lots of us on here have things out of perspective while not drinking...

              Life isn't black and white....Most of it is gray....

              It's early days for me but am learning that getting smashed after abstaining is not a F@#K up, so much as a reminder...

              Starlight is right.... Last night was last night...

              Good luck

              David xxx
              The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
              Oscar Wilde


                Why OH Why?

                What is a fifth of vodka? (sorry, am not from U.S.)-- anyway, it sounds little. I have been known to drink half a LITRE (that's a lot) for NO GOOD REASON. I know just how you feel, though. The main point is to not let it mess you up. Think of it as a blip, not a mess up.

                I slipped with very little a while back after being AF for more than a month, and instead of letting it go, I thought, well, now I've messed up again, it's too late, which led to weeks of heavy drinking-- and the last three miserable days sobering up. Don't make a little slip-up into a big mistake. Look forward, not back.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Why OH Why?

                  Feeling like shit won't help you..

                  Unless you like wallowing in self pity...

                  Get on with it, sort it out, forgive yourself for not being superhuman and relax
                  The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                  Oscar Wilde


                    Why OH Why?

                    Hey Rock, I am thinkin about you my friend. Dont give up

                    Gabby :flower:


                      Why OH Why?

                      Who knows why we do it? But it seems we all do, or have done, or we wouldnt be here.
                      A good friend of mine had some advice for me and hopefully it can help you - she asks herself, if she ever thinks of having a drink etc. "Is this ONE drink more important than my sobriety? Is this ONE drink worth more than everything i have been working for?" and apparently it works everytime. She has been sober (AF) for 10 years. She goes to AA - thats how I know her.
                      Just some food for thought.
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Why OH Why?

                        Beatle, a fifth is a fifth of a gallon (4 litres)

                        So a half of a fifth?

                        Half a bottle is my guess...

                        I don't think it's massive amount after 5 months, personally..
                        The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                        Oscar Wilde


                          Why OH Why?

                          I'm sorry that you're feeling badly, Rocky. I hope there is something you can learn from this when you've gotten through feeling lousy. We all still love and respect you as our brother in this battle.

                          Sending hugs your way,
                          :l Rocky:l

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Why OH Why?

                            Rocky - don't give up! Try and try again! You can do this!!!


                              Why OH Why?

                              Hi Rock-

                              We've all done it. The brain goes into the "what the heck-why not" mode & that's that. Then whe get the "whys" and regrets.

                              Burn this experience into your brain. The next time you pick up that drink remember how it'll make you feel after. Too many of us have done the "now" gratifications without thinking the drink thru.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

