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Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

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    Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

    Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim`rous beastie.........(Burns)........a reference to ME!!!!( save for "sleekit") , rather than to the rodent I suspect has taken up residence in my home.

    To be perfectly honest guys, whether or not I drink today is currently the least of my too busy feeling terrorised by the thought that I may well have a `squatter` of the rodent variety. Understandably, I feel SICK!!!!!!!

    O.K., here goes............I live in a top flat of a very old Victorian terrace, which was renovated 3 yrs. ago...........architects did a fab. job........standard of renovation is outstanding, save for some skirting board where the workmen left too great a gap between the board and the floor, particularly prominent in the bathroom.

    About 5 wks. ago I was out shopping, leaving my mother and my kid in the house.........kid thought she saw a wee mouse in her bedroom, which she said ran very mother didn`t see it, as she wasn`t in same room at the time. So, my mum told me to leave white sheets of paper on the floors overnight, as she said I would see droppings on papers in morning if there were actually any rodents here. Result was papers were clean in the morning, only I hadn`t put papers down in the room where kid said she saw the mouse, but nonetheless I reasoned there couldn`t be any rodents here after all.

    Anyway, things have been uneventful these past few weeks, with me thinking I was in the clear................until last night!!!!! kid went to bed and heard a plastic bag rustling under the bed..........I went to investigate and I also heard it.

    So, my question you think I have an uninvited guest??

    Also, am so s*** scared that I`m heading into town to buy a JML pest repellant...........looks like an adaptor which you just plug into any supposed to send some sort of digital signal throughout all electrical wiring in house to repel pests throughout the property. Does anyone have any experience of these things, and are they effective???

    Sorry post is just in a real state over this, to such an extent that I`m beginning to think getting myself a new man maybe may not be such a bad idea after all !!!!! LOL

    Thanks for reading guys.

    A scared witless Starlight Impress

    Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

    OMG ........ Run starlight run LOL

    Sorry don't have any advice, but keep us posted love .....

    BB xx


      Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

      At least the rat you can get rid of hehehe (sorry guys). We use to have some big guy's down at the factory and the rat bate worked a treat. it was in a nice little box so the kids couldn't get to it and the rats would go in and eat it and then go away and die. If you contact a pest exterminator they should be able to point you in the right direction. Hope that helps. Kimbo
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

        Thanks Betty and boycie.

        Digital repellant thing is supposed to attack their nervous system and cause them to flee, but am terrified at thought of plugging it in, in case the little blighter gets disorientated and in its desperation to flee............runs right into ME!!!!!

        I swear I must be on brink of a breakdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Starlight Impress


          Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

          My visitor this weekend.


          I wanted to cook my hubby a steak this weekend. My granddaughter and I went out back to light the grill and opened the top. When we did, out jumped a little mouse off a nest she had built on top of the burner.

          We both screamed and jumped back and watched it run into the garden and up the siding right next to my bedroom!! I am not afraid of mice but don't want them in my house, they carry disease and ruin things. Luckily, my cats seem to keep them out of the house.

          I did clean the grill out really well before I cooked the steaks, though. :H

          I sure am glad I opened the grill before I hit the starter button, otherwise hubby would have been cleaning up an ugly mess!! Ick!!

          btw, a mouse trap, while "mean" is maybe better, the pellets let the little things go off and die in the walls, etc, which can lead to a nice smell later on, depending on whether there is more than one. There are humane mouse traps, but the little guys often get mangled in them and if not, then you have to move them off to some other location and let them go. Good luck with the whole mess. My daughter-in-law had a mouse issue last year and she was petrified until we got rid of them.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........


            When I found a mouse I the phoned the council and they sent someone and laid some bait which they come and collect after 6-8 weeks. (They did charge for this). I was a bit sceptical at first as I was worried that they might die in the house and then obviously the smell. But still am not sure how it works but it got rid of them. I have heard of the digital repellant but I have never used them to know it's effectiveness. I thought they gave out a ultrasound to cause them distress, so that they leave.

            Also see if you have any cracks or gaps that you can fill when the rodent leaves.


              Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

              Thanks everyone for your advice.

              I know I sound like such a wimp about this, bu I really can`t help how these things affect me. Am going with the plug in repellant for the time-being as I`m really desperate for an almost instant solution. My only concern is that it may well prove a waste of money, as I note it sent your dogs crackers, Doggygirl, and I have a wee dog, so fingers crossed she can tolerate it........

              Starlight Impress


                Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                I am a tradesman and worked in the UK for 3 years....

                UK tradespeople are shockers....Stoned, at the pub or just drinking tea and really dont give a rat's arse ....I am in no way suprised. ...LMAO

                Put some rat poison down....ONLY way to be rid of them...

                Yes, I know it's cruel
                The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                Oscar Wilde


                  Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                  And you can find a small space that the rats can get to that your dogs wont....You can also buy special "Dog repellant" rat
                  The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
                  Oscar Wilde


                    Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........


                    Hon, I have never had rats. Possibly because I have never NOT had a cat If it weren't for the quarantine laws I would send my best mouser, Boop to you. He hasn't brought me any mice (did I mention we never have them w/3 cats) but he has proudly given me many fine, half-dead birds. And since we have a catdoor, he even nicely takes them into the living room where we can view his prize in person!

                    Of course, if you don't like rustling, you probably wouldn't be fond of watching the mouse if Boop decides to play with it before commencing to crunch, crunch, crunch on it.

                    Did I mention I'm feeling a little evil, this morning?

                    LOL. Maybe you know someone who will loan you a kitty?:catroll:


                      Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                      I live in the country and we have mice all the time. Mostly the cats take care of them, but not always. Do not use poison - you don't know who else may get into it. Go to the hardware store and buy a "Have-a-Heart" trap or something like it. They trap the mice and then you just let them out outside where they would usually rather be. If you can't let them out of the trap, pay a neighborhood kid $5 to take the mouse to the next block and let it go. That should take care of it. Remember that may be one of Mickey's great grandchildren!!!!
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........


                        I don't know if I want a Have a Hart mousetrap......LOL:H


                          Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                          Starlight, mice don't scare me BUT rats another story. can you get the no kill traps and have them relocated after capture/ But they are coming in from somewhere, If you are sharing the building with other tennets you all may have to get on the same page about trash removal etc. Check your entire house for openings that a mouse could come through, then stuff steel wool in these areas. When a mouse goes to chew through it, they get their teeth "shocked" so to speak. Then they go away. This works! a few years ago when preparing for my daughters outdoor wedding the gardner left the basement doors open and a couple got in. This lead to a couple more the exterminator told me to do the steel wool thing. They went away haven't seen one since, That's been 6 years ago! Good luck


                            Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                            Thanks all. Am home with the digital pest repellant.........will plug it in tomorrow after my BIG nephew comes up to pull out stuff from under bed...........too afraid to plug it in tonight in case it causes the little blighter to run into me as it tries to flee......need nephew here in case that happens!!!!

                            Simey, will get coarse steel wool tomorrow and stuff it into any gaps in skirting. Am hoping and praying it`s a mouse.........I find mice revolting, but rats are vile.

                            Hopefully I`ll be a lot calmer tomorrow when nephew and I have blitzed that room and I can feel confident enough to allow repellant to deter future little intruders.

                            Watch this space!!!

                            Starlight Impress


                              Wee, sleekit,cowrin,tim`rous beastie..........

                              strange time of year to have mice in the house, but with the weather we've been having?

                              we had a mouse coming in lasrt week and where theres one there more. it was running around the upstairs including by our bed. never heard a thing but OH did. set traps, caught one. i suppose they send scouts to recce because we had no more as the scout didnt come back!
                              i'm of the opinion not to use poison as they do go off to die and they find the most inaccessable places to do it and they stink!


