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Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

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    Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

    Hi all. Today is day 1 for me of taking all the recommended supplements (not meds yet) and doing the CD's. No matter how much I am dreading it, I will also be adding the exercise component this week. I have Topa on order but do not expect it until late this month.

    I have mainly been posting in the Just Getting Started section while making my plan and reading all over this site. It was suggested that I might have the best luck finding others who are ahead of me on the path, by doing the full MWO supps and CD's if I posted here.

    I'm just looking for folks who might be able to answer specific questions and/or provide specific feedback on this specific plan.

    Hope that makes sense....
    Hopefully today will be my first AF day in...can't remember how long.
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

    Hi Doggygirl, I'm kind of a cat lady myself.

    I have been taking all the supplements and the original All in One for about a year now. Except the magnisium (spelled right?) I dropped that one because I read somewhere it can bother your stomach. I am using my own B-complex, but I would like to be able to purchase the one from MWO by itself because it doesn't cause the B-Burps like the stuff I have. I will have to write RJ about this.

    Also I do the CD's on and off. So any questions you have, you can PM me or write back here.

    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


      Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

      Thank you Lauralynn! I really appreciate your offer of help. Obviously you must be happy with the results if you have stayed invested in the program (money for supps, time for CD's) for a year. Do you also take Topa (or other meds) or no? I would sure love to do this without Tops even though I have it on order. I don't know - I've always been a med avoider in general.

      But anyway, I do have a question about the Hypnosis CD - I did track 1 for the first time today. I've never been hypnotized, so am not sure what it "should" feel like. I did feel alert through the whole thing. I don't think my mind ever wandered totally off of the speaker, but there certainly were outside thoughts that crept in and I'd have to snap myself back to paying 100% attention to the speaker. Is that normal in your opinion, or should I focus on a lot more concentration.

      I'll tell you what - if this all works I'm gonna be one really hot, water lovin', exercise lovin', right eating, bikini wearing gal by my 50th birthday next year!

      Any and all feedback is welcome!!!

      Oh and Lauralynn, I started out as a cat don't go thinking you are immune to dogs.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

        I am doing it all w/two modifications. I take Naltrexone as my Rx med instead of Topa. And, I don't take Kudzu. I take all the other supps/vitamins, do the hypno A LOT (love it!), and exercise. This program has totally turned things around for me. I am 'moderating', but I really don't drink much at all. I usually am AF most days (like for a week) and then have one night where I have up to three drinks. That is it. Actually, because I had no social plans for the past two weeks, I have been totally AF except one beer I had at a pool party for July 4th. I honestly don't crave or even want alcohol much anymore. I enjoy wine when I am out w/friends, but I don't have any desire to go overboard w/it anymore. This program is amazing! Best of luck to you!


          Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

          Hello Doggy,

          About the hypnos, the over concentrating thing happens at first. Listen to them in the recommended order for at least a couple of weeks and soon you can skip right to the hypnotic and put in your affirmations. We are all different, I tend to sleep through them and I think it's St. Jude, but she exercises to them. If you don't feel like you are getting into the zone, don' worry about it, the info is still getting in there.

          About the Topa, I used it the 1st couple of months at a low dose. What I found was by taking the Topa I was a lot better at taking all my supps. I don't take it now and I have modified my supp schedule to work better for me. I would recommend the l-glut, if you are not already using it. I find and extra dose of L-glut and kudzu helps with the wine intake.

          Also, all the stuff you want to accomplish by your 50th. Write it down and add it into the hypnos. I'm working on adding some, QUIT EATING SO MUCH stuff into mine.

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

            Thanks to you both for your feedback. You are both sharing such encouraging news!!!! Adagirl, I just read about your weight loss success on another thread - congratulations again. Also congratulations on your obvious success moderating!! I'm not so sure for myself that I can ever do that - we will see. I really want to get some AF time under my belt - I can always change up the program later I figure.

            Lauralynn, thank you for your feedback. I am also taking L-Glut, and plan to take it 3X per day. I have $250.00 worth of Topa on it's way. But I'm actually hoping that I do well enough with just the supps + CD's + exercise (still gotta get that going) where I can flush the Topa. We will see how it goes.

            LOL, I was caught off guard about having my own list of suggestions ready during my first time at track one today. So after riding the elevator and all that, I was scrambling....I don't want to drink any more!! I love drinking water more than anything else!! etc. etc. Next time I will be better prepared. Of course I stuck the "I wanna fit in my purple bikini by my 50th..." too....

            Thanks!! I appreciate everyone's time here answering questions and giving support.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

              Hey Doggie Lady

              Welcome to MWO. I missed your posts on Just Starting Out - sorry. Sounds to me like you have a great attitude and are really determined to make progress. I hope you let us try to help you.

              I take Kudzu and L-glutamine as my most important supps. They are absoutely vital to me and keep me AF. I have never taken Topa - I'd like to try this without it and so far have done very well. As RJ always says, do whatever works for you. The great thing about RJ is she realizes that everyone is different and will do things a little differently. That's cool. Much better than AA in my opinion. The hypno CD's took quite a while for me to get used to, but even half way listening to them at first is a big help. With time, they will become a huge help. Be patient. No one changes completely overnight.

              I'm so glad you are here. I am really looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

              :h :welcome: :h
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

                Hi DoggyGirl, I am new to the program but started with the supps/cds/exercise and the topa. I am just finishing Day 23 AF. The only thing I have not been consistent about is the cds...they put me to sleep. I intend to try harder to make the time for them. I am not sure if my final goal is abstinence or mods at this point. I intend to do at least 30 days AF first. Good luck and keep us posted.


                  Who is doing all the MWO supps and CD's?

                  Thank you Mags and Lilac. I have enjoyed reading both of your posts - been spending my recent *life* here LOL! Thank you for responding to my general questions. It's helpful to know which folks are on at least a similar path. I'm with RJ and you Mags on that point - whatever works. When I quit smoking I utilized the help of a discussion community which made a huge difference. And there are "quitters" there who have had success with all the aids I've heard of and some I hadn't in addition to cold turkey.

                  Mags my Topa isn't here yet and like you, I wouldn't mind if I feel good enough to leave it on the shelf. Nothing against what others are doing - I've just always been a pharmaphobe. But if I feel I'm on the verge of losing it by the end of July, I will give it a whirl.

                  Lilac congratulations on 23 days AF!! WOW!!! It is so encouraging to read everyone's success stories!!!

                  I will keep working on the CD's to get better organized with it and just sort of go with the flow of it. LOL - I had lot's of trouble sleeping last night (from my reading here, I wasn't shocked). I'm glad I did the Hypnosis track 1 during the day. While I was laying awake, my thoughts alternated between that beautiful place on the beach where I look hot in my purple bikini, and contemplating why in the sam hill I would EVER want to drink again, which I wrote more about in the "newbies day 12" thread.

                  On my attitude. I have learned in life that if I am positive and expect to succeed, I still might fail. If I am negative and expect to fail, I will ALWAYS fail. So I try hard to see the cup as half full as much as possible.

                  Thanks for your support and feedback and help!!

                  Day 2 AF
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.

