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tomatoes, mine r dying?

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    tomatoes, mine r dying?

    hello all, been a long busy day, worked till 7.30 cleaning,got home an then kids dinner n all so i been pretty good 2day, im impressed wiv me, i have been growing some veg,

    im a complete novice, but i quite like it, parrents both pro gardners an big bro,

    nnever really been 2 keen till this yr,

    last night i dug up my 1st potatoes, meal for 4 from 1 plant, some were 2 tiny, i was a little impatient!!!

    my problem is, TOMATOES, i have several plants a;; r huge BUT all this rain we had i think has given them some kinda rot, small black patche s all over stms, also lots a tom s that were forming have now gone rotton,

    hope all r well an good xxx
    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

    tomatoes, mine r dying?

    They may have some kind of fungus. Maybe take one to the garden/hardware store and see if they have a remedy for the problem. Sometimes they have a dust that you can put on the plant that will kill the rot without harming the tomatoes. Good luck!

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      tomatoes, mine r dying?

      thanks i may take a stem down the cafe 2 day, the oldie s will prob no,

      they know most thing s ,, im determined 2 grow em,

      just to prove bf wrong, he said they d never grow without greenhouse,! they were so close, i do like 2 prove people wrong!!! cheers xxxx
      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


        tomatoes, mine r dying?

        Maybe a makeshift green house,

        If you can make a wooden frame and cover it in thick clear plastic it would work as a green house and keep the heat in and frost and bugs out, and just cut a flap for a door so you can get in,

        Just a thought, did it myself when I was growing plants, it worked for me

        Luv Jas
        :thanks: :h


          tomatoes, mine r dying?

          I like that makeshift greenhouse idea. I can't grow anything myself. My mom, and grandma, were both great gardeners. Guess they didn't pass along their green thumb! Hope your tomatoes survive - yum!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            tomatoes, mine r dying?

            I think Kathy is right. I bet the plant people will have a solution
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              tomatoes, mine r dying?

              Well I'm no gardner, but my husband does well. He uses Miracle grow and some products from the hardware store. Ask someone who works in a nursery or garden dept. It always works on tv.:H


                tomatoes, mine r dying?

                Hey, if those plants are all rotten, go get more. We have garden centers here that have plants already started. I think its wonderful that you tried. Mother Nature is the one in charge though.



                  tomatoes, mine r dying?

                  I think it's called neighbours have it, (well not them personally, their tomatoes)coz of all the rain we've had recently. The only answer is to bin the lot I'm afraid !


                    tomatoes, mine r dying?

                    Sounds like water-logged roots & then fungi things set in. They're a goner. Don't know your climate but probably not too late to plant new ones. Try to plant where drainage is decent. I ahve had spring seasons like that.

                    rachel---what is going on with your counseling team & rehab, etc?


                      tomatoes, mine r dying?

                      Ohhhhhhhhh Noooooooooo!
                      I'm so sorry.
                      Please try again!
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        tomatoes, mine r dying?

                        thanks for advice, i did show lady at cafe, i have now cut all rotten stems an cut it right bk, im gutted my babies ,, lol i even talked 2 em, some new toms r still dveloping so they not gonners yet!!!!! fingers crossed ths rain stops terrible here, i still got me spuds growin well an onions, so hopefull, regaring councillor,,,still waiting 1 councilor in yhr town an 1000s a drunk,drug abusers it may take while,, keep leaving messges but no reply yet office only open 2 hrs 2 days a week i think!!! imagine how long rehab wud take 2 get in, so i am still determined but obviously not af ,cant do it alone i think it wud b dangerous so all i can do is Talk to my potatoes an tomatoes,, (or tamatoes in usa isant it, pronounced different not spelt) ! an keep tryin to remember i want a life, xxxx
                        if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

