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    Funny this thread being started. It was only the other morning I was thinking about a couple of really close girlfriends I had. I actually felt sadness thinking about what had happened and why don't we keep in touch anymore. Busy lives, led to busier lives. Phone calls became more and more infrequent and our lunches and shopping stopped. Totally sucks when I think about it.



      Oh, and Happy - I didn't read through the whole thread, and only caught a small bit of what was going on. I hope you are OK - and do what you need to do. Much love always.



        Interesting thread Beth. I have been thinking a lot lately of the value of friendship.
        As you know, I have been through a terrible breakup and I have found out how truly amazing women really are. Not to say anything bad about my male pals but the women in my life have been outstanding. The support I have received is truly heartwarming.
        Every one is so wrapped up in their own lives sometimes it seems like we have very few friends.
        I have learned this isn't always so.

        Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
        April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
        wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
        wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
        wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
        wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
        wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
        wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

        I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.



          Oh My dear Happy, I just read your post this morning. So sorry for all your going through right now. Thankfully your husband is starting to see things in a clearer light, it's good to see that you two are committed to saving you marriage and putting things in order. So many people try to just avoid these issues until they reach the point of no return. I wish you the best sweetie and hope you feel better soon. Go see Chrysa, sounds like you could use a healing place for a couple of days. As a matter of fact I think we all could. I love you Patty, and want you to be a really happy camper! Hugs always for Sophie



            As I take a deep breath, and let it out slowlyyyy.

            Friends....I've had school friends, neighborhood friends, cousins who are friends, friends who live in Kansas and friends in Georgia
            I have found in my almost 60 years here on earth, that if a woman has had two or three really good friend, it will last her a lifetime.
            Our lives go through stages:

            young adult

            young married


            raising children

            taking care of our parents and then

            Having fun with our grandchildren

            I have a friend or two out of this lifetime that I can pick up the phone and call and say...hey...what are you doing?
            It may have been a year or two but she reconsizes my voice and I hers.

            When communities were small and families lived together for genernations, we didn't have to wonder if we would have a friend or a helper to put up the food for the coming winter. Take care of the children and give moral support.
            Yep...we've come a long way what price?

            I have spent the last few years getting comfortable with being alone..
            Some one said. "If you can not be happy alone, you're not fit to be out in community"

   girl born and raised.....a work in progress in the country!

            :h Nancy
            Proverbs 18:24 b
            "There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother"
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10



              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10



                Thanks for all my girlfriends on here. Too many PM's to answer. Chrys I can't get there he works every weekend and I don't drive (I know, I am city chick loser). But thank you for the offer, REALLY. I am going to try to get my butt to the NY meetup.
                I did make it to work today but still feel crampy. And Sophie woke up at 5a.m. puking (Tim missed another half day of work he's being great). But I am glad I went because I had tons to do. My reputation is intact. Now I have the weekend to recover and have a very large job interview on Monday at a huge publishing company.

                Again, thanks all. Love you.:h
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



                  I have lots of friends, but they are not really friends. They are onlly people I see in my everday life. All is very friendly. I only one very close friend. I don't see her that often, since she lives 100 miles away - but when we get together we are true sisters. She has been around this week and I have helped her with gardening, made food for her, etc. In return I have spent time swimming in her wonderful swimming hole and feeling very free. Last night we went out to dinner - she respects my AF lifestyle so that makes it easy - and had a wonderful time. Sometimes we cry in each other's arms, sometimes we laugh our heads off. I am so glad I have her in my life.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                    i ben deliberating whether 2 post or not 2nite, im not drunk, just angry, i have had few but NOT DRUNK, i think i realised yesterday that i have got 1 real friend, used to b my next door neighbour, she knows what shit went on 4 years cos shw heard most of it,thru the walls she is 7mths younger than me but has a life ,job, kids an a piss head mum but is tough cookie, she sed 2 b like my suggorate mum, how sad, but she always was there 4 me an me 4 her , i babysat a LOT, i did bear my soul, cry, got drunk an rowed wiv her but she is there in bk ground always, i guess i cant let no 1 et close cos i let em down or mess up happy lives wiv my crap so i run away, she called yesterday, good chat, i pretended all was fine,
                    well it s not , not 2day anyway, bloody fri 13th,, my poor mum was born may 13 on a fri an damm she ended up wiv me!!! got 2 b a jinx day,,

                    gettin 2 the point , my son had chnce 2 go cinema wiv few mates but no room in car,, im working again 2morr, bf got day off , aftr a 1/2day 2day, his 2 girls r comin sat aftenoon ,love em 2 bits but its hard goin, there mum hates me an does all poss 2 make life hard, she dumped her son on r doorstep an wonders y he cant b arssed 2 c her now he is 15 nearly, so my nxt day of is week sun, an he thinks he is hard done by, my job never stops, anyway he said ask me in an hr, i knew he wud not want 2 so i said id call mum c if she wud,, no no just let me think he says, an hr goes by, 8pm now so i asked again, bf pissed as a rat an starts callin taxi, cos he dont want 2 drive in TRAFFIC ! i said not bein funny but what if his mate is late,i aint havin my kid wondring round in town alone, not 10 ttill nxt week, small eruption, i call mum, she wont take him, as expected so i call taxi that takes him school c if they wil hang on 2 make sure he gets met by mate no can do, bf starts hollaring that he d alreadt sorted it, but wiv different taxi, who wud not hang on i called an checked,,

                    well almighty row, bf went bed 8,30, i remember y i was a single mum 4 so long, bf said row was over my lad an he aint his taxi service ,, oh well i thought mth ago we d sorted things out, no rows since then, but again, im not drunk ,he was n jst dont hear what im trying to explain, thus fallout, any way i did not want my boy 2miss out so i rang mate im talking about, her hubby is picking him up 2morr an taking him, i love em so much,,

                    i just feel such a bitch, in my hr of need i call her she always comes charging, i oblige her 2 but her hr of need never sems so drastic,, i wish i was normal an jus pik up phone 4 a chat but we never seem to get chance, i got 2 start makin time,, she is a real friend,, i got 2 let her b my friend, not run away,,

                    i think i got decisions 2 make regarding bf,

                    sorry to ramble, im seriously peed offf tho,

                    1step 4ward an 2 steps bk,

                    bein a single mum u know its all down 2 u, an friends along the way,,

                    appolgies 2 all the great dads out there , respect 2 u, no
                    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



                      Bak, I hear what you're saying! For me, the older I get the more I am realising that I don't want to hold onto friendships simply due to longuevity anymore. I now believe that people can grow apart and change, and that's ok, so moving on is ok too.

                      My best female friends just happen to be my 2 sisters and my mum. Mick has also been one of my best friends for the past 6 years, and we've been a couple for only only 18 months, so I'll finally marrying my best friend.

                      I am getting better equipped at letting go of friendships that feel like they have expired, and at the same time am making room for new friendships... and some really great ones at that!

                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



                        Camper!! You are the trooper, babe. Good going!!

                        Take the train!!!!!...Penn Station to Newark to either Somerville or Whitehouse...I will pick you up... It is easy..1 1/2 hr...people commute from here everyday...I take the train into the city when I go in...

                        You & Sophie come on a Sat..then we can just hang would be great!!! You can stay overnight if you like...or hop back on the probs....I will take you to station...

                        I can send you the schedules....



                          Dear tryingsohard/rachel28,
                          I am writing here because I do not know if you check PMs. I cannot read your posts anymore because it is too painful. You are hurting my heart. I am going to put your name on "ignore".

                          I cannot bear any longer to see you killing yourself. If I were your mother I would find a way to have you arrested or something just as drastic to get you into a rehab. And my heart aches for your son who has no one to take care of him.

                          I have children your age. You are young. It is not too late to save your life and that of your son's. I am saying a prayer for you now. I wish you only healing. Check yourself in to a hospital.



                            my child always taken care of.... if u had read my post s mayb u would realise i have been waiting over 2 weks 2 get councelling, an assment to begin detox, i could ask 4 rehab but damm it id have 2 wait mth s,

                            i can do this, im just still waiting 4 dr,

                            oh i wish u realised how small my village is an how many rehabs there is in the county,

                            in the hospitals id stand no chance a help, i know a 70 yr old wiv pneumonia who was sent home 2 free up a bed,
                            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



                              I PM'd ya
                              Just got home from work...
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                                OK. I'm sorry I may have been overreacting becuase I do no t understand the healthcare situation where you live. If so again I am sorry. I am still heart sick though. But hopefully you will be able to get into a detox soon. Take good care. luv~C~

