I have been reading your threads for a while but have only just registered. I have been trying to break my habit for a while now, I drink on average half a bottle (350mls) a night and sometimes more.
As a result, this has also increased my panic attacks causing me to quit my job due to stress. I am now on antidepressants which are helping and taking naltraxone for the alcohol but it does not seem to curb my desire for the floating feeling I get once I have had a few drinks.
Last week I managed two days A/F but as soon as my hubby started drinking again I was back on the merry go round again.
I want to be healthy again and to be a responsible role model for my teenage boys but instead I keep drinking.
Recently I fractured my eye socket, splitting my eye open and causing a black eye that I could not open for 5 days and my body is constantly covered in massive bruises, all due to me falling while drunk.
I feel so afraid that I will not get the better of this and it will get me way too early.
Sorry to be so morbid, but I'm sure some of you know where I'm coming from, I look forward to chatting in the future.