Yesterday's posts, especially those on the "something to think about," have indeed got me thinking....
I posted a lot last year when I first got out of rehab...then I got very involved in my academic work for 9 mos and I didn't post for quite some time, although I would pop on to read every now and again just to keep up with newbies and find out how people who I had come to "know" were doing.
I started posting again in June, after I graduated from seminary. I wanted to share what I had done in my new AF life in the hopes that I might be able to share something of what I had learned about staying abs (15 mos today!).
But I HAVE suffered from depression and I am receiving treatment for both bipolar disorder and ADD. So the comments about "mad drunks" and mental problems hurt. I wanted to just ignore them but that's not what happened.
Instead, it all started me thinking and I think now that I'm probably just working out my psych issues rather than helping either myself or anyone else stay sober. I probably spend way too much time here, developing a new "addiction" and procrastinating on getting on with my "real life." I've been here too long.
Thanks, everyone for helping me to the next step. I feel sad about ending something that has been so meaningful to me and so incredibly helpful. But I DO have a lot of positive things I should be doing and yesterday's posts made me realize that I need to get on with them.
So, this is it. I wish everyone all the best~~