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This is a GOOD thing!!

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    This is a GOOD thing!!

    First of all--my apologies for dragging this all out like this! I am reposting this as a new thread because I hope to clear this up--and this post might not be seen in the middle of the "moving on" thread....

    Here's what I said there:

    Hold on, Folks!

    I checked in to see if there was anything I should respond to and I am amazed at what is happening here! First of all: thank you for all your warm wishes and your concern. But please people read my post carefully!

    I am not leaving in some sort of huff! I am NOT leaving because I DISAGREED with anyone...I am saying the thread did INDEED GET ME TO THINK! And my own conclusion was that it was time for me to leave because I have been here too long!

    I have NOT been judgemental at all! I am always open to other people's opinions and, although I did find some of the comments distressing, I also ended up AGREEING with them!

    I appreciate everyone's concern--and also those who appear angry or disappointed with me--but really many of you are misunderstanding what I am saying. It is just time for me to leave because I have done what I needed to do here.

    THIS IS NOT A BAD THING! I'm not upset and no one else needs to be either! Think of it more as though I'm checking out of the hospital because I have finished with that particular treatment and I need to move to the next stage....

    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott

    This is a GOOD thing!!

    I totally understand where your coming from and I solute you on your progress. Another success for m.w.o. and a job well done to you .Good luck with your future..........


      This is a GOOD thing!!

      Good luck Susan! May you find much success.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        This is a GOOD thing!!

        Good luck to you Susan!


          This is a GOOD thing!!

          I agree with you - people should not stay in hospital if they don't need to or they will become dependent on the nurses, or on counsellors, or doctors etc.
          You are doing what is RIGHT for you.

          It is not right for everyone - but GOOD LUCK for the future.

          Maybe you will pop back and let us know how you are doing sometimes ?

          Best Wishes
          Diamond x
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            This is a GOOD thing!!

            You will be missed.


            Hope we never hear from you again because you are doing so well.

            Scram! Go! We are tired of you already! :H :H :H


            Your friends are proud of you.

            * * I love Determinator * *


              This is a GOOD thing!!

              Susan, I still will miss your insight, Your a baby bird ready to leave the nest. Go fly sweetie!


                This is a GOOD thing!!

                hey susan; wow i missed everything as i haven't checked in much lately. don't know why you are leaving uh or where one actually leaves to. lol where does one go. and i do get though when you are tired of something or it's done you move on. so completion is always a plus. but i'm missing your posts as i always enjoy your thoughtfulness, caring, love and just plain sober beauty. i suppose when one is sober a long time tis a good time to pursue something else. anyway sending you love and light on your path and i'm intending that from time to time if you choose you'll at least pm me. hahaahhaahhahaah purely selfish reasons on my part. sooooooooo have a beautiful day girly


                  This is a GOOD thing!!


                  Beautiful analogy, Susan: checking out of the hospital because you?re done with treatment. I celebrate your newfound health with everyone here.

                  I remember something you wrote about your journey and would like to share some of it below, as you gave me permission earlier. (The entire post is here and is fabulous.)

                  ?For a year our fridge has featured this silly little crayon drawing of ?where I see myself a year from now? that I had to do in rehab. I imagined where I hoped to be and drew a picture of the grounds of my seminary populated with little stick ?graduates? and entitled it ?Graduation Day 2007.? Well, on May 18th 2007, I carried it with me when I actually graduated!! The whole thing looked remarkably like my scribbled drawing come to life!?

                  You saw your future and created your path. You worked diligently, modified your belief system about drinking and went about making this powerful transformation.

                  Congratulations to you, Susan and best wishes as you move on. I know you will continue to bless many lives.

                  With much love,

                  Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                    This is a GOOD thing!!

                    I agree with you S~

                    There are certain chapters in our lives that open & close. May you enjoy the new chapter in your life with happiness and success.:kudos:
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      This is a GOOD thing!!

                      May you have a wonderful life Sujul.
                      You are doing what is right for you at this time and moving on with your have left behind the deepest despair as your journey has led you to your beautiful life.

                      Have only recently met you here and I will sadly miss really do understand as you were able to stay the course and emerge into sunny days.

                      Thankyou so much Sujul.

                      Much love,

                      Starlight Impress x


                        This is a GOOD thing!!

                        farewell . be well
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          This is a GOOD thing!!

                          Good luck Susan.
                          Stay well...


                            This is a GOOD thing!!

                            Bye Sujul......and thankyou.....for your replies to my posts........I hope the rest of your life is fantastic.....


                              This is a GOOD thing!!

                              I wish you happiness in all you do. Dust off that excercise equipment in too hot humid weather -giggle, giggle, Think of us and when you have a minute to say " hey" we'd love to hear how wonderful you are continuing to do... Only the best to you.
                              Your workout buddy, Hugs Always, ~Niblet~

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

