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Have you ever simply walked off the job?

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    Have you ever simply walked off the job?

    Hi all. I am in a bit of a dilemma. I started this job 7 weeks ago. To sum it up I am over worked, underpaid, lots of people have left in the last few months, the management treat you like absolute crap, etc.

    I was extremely enthusiastic when I first got this job. I thought the wage they offered me was fair for what I thought I would be doing. I was totally mislead and I should be getting paid double what I am getting paid. I sent a meeting request to the CEO, who initially hired me stating I was not being paid a fair wage. They don't pay overtime, but the work has to be done. So.... I worked it out that I am not only underpaid for the worth of this position but I also give them 7 hours for free a week. No lie.

    Well he came into the office this morning and said he didn't have time to discuss this today, and would try to address it tomorrow. Well, my supervisor is going on holidays for 3 weeks after tomorrow (and she does payroll). I think not only did they think they got a 'good deal' for hiring me cheap, but now they are trying the stalling tactic.

    I am ready to walk right out after getting my pay cheque tomorrow. I feel guilty only because I am a good person, and I try to do things professionally and don't want the other two gals to have to pick up the slack. Although they are getting paid double what I am.

    I need some advice. I so f'n hate being treated like I am somebody's door mat. They are assholes, and I honestly can see why so many have left and why a few others are leaving at the end of July. I really love to work, and all of that, I simply feel like they think I am not worthy, and hiring me at the rate of pay I am getting for the work I am doing - they think I am unworthy. I am feeling really angry and resentful right now. I need some opinions from others who possibly have been in a situation such as this. Lushy sent me a really empowering PM - and thanks for that.

    Have you ever simply walked off the job?

    Hi Accountable

    I am so on your page.. I work in the not-for-profit industry and this happens to me all the time.. It is happening right now in fact. I've been in my new job for only 2 weeks and the position description was for a Business Development Manager and the reality is it is Telemarketing and to top it off.. they are paying me $20k less then was negotiated.

    So my advise to you.. which is the advice I gave myself about 5 years ago.. I will never ever allow myself to be exploited again.. Walk outta there with your head held high.. Their loss for manipulating you.

    I've got a friend in recruitment and she said that because there is a skills shortage at the moment (in Aussie anyway) that employers are glamourising (spelling) the position in the interview to get us in and when we are there they think they've got us cornered... because we need a job..

    Sorry Accountable... waffling... if you want to PM me .. been thru this many a time..

    Good Luck

    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      Have you ever simply walked off the job?

      I walked off my very first job for exactly the same reason you are expressing here. I loved my job, however, I had had enough of the BS after several months and at the end of my shift I said to my supervisor " okay that's it I quit. ". He replies you can't just quit! I said " watch me " and left.
      One of my better decisions for sure.

      Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
      April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
      wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
      wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
      wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
      wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
      wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
      wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

      I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


        Have you ever simply walked off the job?

        Thanks for sharing you guys. I need the re-enforcement of my decision. I am walking out tomorrow. I just expressed my decision with my hubby and he said - FOR SURE! So, I am going to leave at noon tomorrow. I will go in and finish the three financial packages I have left and then bye bye. No one needs to be in a job where they were duped. It just sucks. And I know they won't meet with me. I actually was outside with my supervisor and another accountant this aft having a smoke. The supervisor had said again, as she always does, that the owner is 'f'n' cheap. So, whatever. Their loss. Oh and by the way, my supervisor says the f word every second word. How lovely. Everyone including her is completely stressed. They must be paying her pretty good, or she knows she would have to clean up her language and behaviour before someone hires her. There are only three bigger property management companies here in Abbotsford and she has a reputation for being a hostile bag.

        Thanks for sharing you guys.


          Have you ever simply walked off the job?

          If you heed my advice tomorrow is your last day working there!! Plan a fancy dinner to celebrate!!! You Go!!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Have you ever simply walked off the job?

            No more guilt I say. They don't care about the employees so why should we care about them? I have spent a many of years doing shit I didn't want to do because of feelings of guilt and fear. You guys are the greatest. I just love you to bits..............!


              Have you ever simply walked off the job?

              Yeh.. you go girlfriend... don't carry the guilt... happy happy happy
              Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


                Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                The last job I walked out of in the middle of a shift was about 2 years ago... NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER! The owner of the place said, "Well at least have the respect & wait for me to get someone else in here before you go..."
                I just looked at him and said, "If you'd shown me any respect to start with, I wouldn't be leaving right now. See Ya!":thumbs: (except it wasn't my thumb I stuck up in the air!:H )

                I think he's nicer to me now when I see him in the store... maybe he respects me...
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                  YES, I certainly have, infront of customers... Damn boss, told me when he eats the food I make for the store(where I used to work) he wanted to "stand up" if you catch me! Used to smoke on the dunny and then come into the deli and not wash his hands and touch all the food too... I went into the male dunnies and not subtly wrote WAS YOUR HANDS haha. Anyway right off the subject, yes I have and damned if it didnt feel good let me tell you.
                  Good job!:goodjob:


                    Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                    Walking off a job

                    Hi Accountable.

                    I've walked off a job a few times. The most memorable I will account here:

                    I was hired to work as a "barmaid" in the Adelfi (sp) Hotel in Meritt, BC in the early 80's. The bikers sat on one side of the bar and the native people on the other. There were two waitresses at night and the "newbie" got the native side (they didn't tip).

                    On my third night a couple who seemed to be regulars ordered 4 more draught. I brought them and set the flute-type glasses down - two in front of each of them. While they were paying, I realised that all was not well in relationship-land with this particular couple. I gave a poop...

                    However, I really gave a poop when I turned from the table and heard yelling behind me while I walked back to the bar. I turned just in time to see the female half of the couple jump up and grab her fellow by the crown of his head and smash his face into the glasses before him. She then casually walked out.

                    He was in ribbons. I will spare you the details. I was a horrified, in-shock, shaking mess.

                    After the ambulance came and loaded him up, my manager stood beside me and sighed.

                    "Well, Helen. Best get to cleaning up the mess. Sarah will cover your section till you get it done."

                    After I found my jaw under the carpet, I handed my cha-ching money belt and my tray to this wonderful boss and drove myself home.

                    The end.


                      Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                      Wattle;162913 wrote:
                      I've got a friend in recruitment and she said that because there is a skills shortage at the moment (in Aussie anyway) that employers are glamourising (spelling) the position in the interview to get us in and when we are there they think they've got us cornered... because we need a job..
                      Wattle, i am curious. Can you tell me more about this skills shortage? I am in Australia too.

                      Surely, wouldn't that mean employees have more negotiating power? I know if i was going for a job now, a professional one, i would negotiate a good package for myself.

                      To the original poster, i walked out on a job once too. The best thing i ever did. But, it wasn't a professional one, so i didn't care that much.

                      My most previous employers used to swear at each other in the office every day and in the end it drove me crazy. Although they didn't swear directly to the staff, the very fact they did it to each other showed a complete lack of respect for their employees. You wouldn't think that people with doctorate degrees would behave so appallingly.

                      Btw, what reason do you give to the next employer as to why you walked out on your previous job?
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                        Holy barb! That is harsh. I would of left too without a thought otherwise. I really enjoy reading your experiences, not in the sense of your trauma at the time. It is just nice to know I won't be the only one giving them the finger once I calmly walk out tomorrow. I wouldn't of even went in tomorrow if I weren't getting paid. :-) They probably would hold my pay cheque or something. They are already conducting illegally by making us work for no over time pay - or even regular pay. I am shocked no one has taken them to Labour Relations yet. I laugh. They suck and they are going to sink. One would think the CEO would be thinking about damage control or something. He and the owner have NO clue as to what we do and how much we do, so they treat us as if we are disposable. Oh well. Like this gal said to me today, whom is leaving, it is a domino effect. They are in deep shit and are pretty oblivious as to what is yet to come for them. This girl who I replaced said - she wonders if the CEO will be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

                        Oh, and the CEO is new as well. Been there for 3 months. Came here from Scotland. Not even a landed immigrant yet. His own job is on the line at the moment. He has no clue about this industry and won't be going to the plate for any of us either. So, whatever. Who cares.


                          Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                          Oh and Change I won't even put this one on my resume. I have a two year old child, and had been out of the working for other's industry for a year. I will just say, I have been at home with my child for the last year and now am looking at getting back into the working life. Something to that effect. It was only 7 weeks (although it felt like 7 years) so it is just a blip for me.


                            Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                            Hi Accountable, you deserve to be respected and paid for all your time. More importantly, you deserve to be happy.

                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                              Thanks Hilary. It is true. I am nervous, but I know I need to do this. No one deserves to work for nothing or work with people who don't respect themselves. I banter when I am scared. So don't mind me.

                              I hope you are OK, by the way. I have thought about you the last couple of days.

