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Have you ever simply walked off the job?

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    Have you ever simply walked off the job?

    And again.... I ALMOST bought some Vodka tonight because that is what this job has done to me in 7 weeks. It has almost driven me back to the bottle because I am shocked at the garb there and how people just are so f'd!

    Ok, I am done.


      Have you ever simply walked off the job?

      You are not copping out sending an e-mail in the morning. Good for you for doing this. Give them an honest piece of mind (not that they may even care) but they simply cannot treat employees like that.

      May you enjoy the rest of your week stress-free after you send your goodbye e-mail!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Have you ever simply walked off the job?

        Damn! I wish I had seen this earlier! Can't you still arrange for a mttg with her?
        Just tell her you'd like have coffee... Then tell her you'd LOVE to see things from her "Point of view... but you can't get your head that far up your ASS!":H
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Have you ever simply walked off the job?

          Now that I have had 3 hours of unwinding with my friends here at MWO, I can let you know all that happened and I can end this chapter in my life. I first want to say, I thank you all for the support you had given me. You guys are the best, and I do mean that from the bottom of my heart.

          After talking with my hub last night he thought of a way to leave this company and not feel guilty one bit. He suggested I go in today and wait for Matilda the Beyotch to come in and let her have her way with me verbally. (I was thinking - are you deranged??? Do you hate me that much??) He said if she let off on me I could address her on the spot, tell her not to speak to me that way and tell her to leave my office. (this would also show the other's who get trolloped on that they don't need to put up with this shit anymore) Then I should quickly write up an immediate resignation letter from my email address at work and send it to the CEO.

          Ok, so barfing all the way to work today knowing this was a brilliant idea, I did exactly that. Everything I described above happened. She apologized after I had asked her to leave my office and I did not acknowledge it at all. A few of the admin staff were in a fellow accountant's office behind mine and were SHOCKED. I looked at them and raised my brows. I shut my office door, constructed my resignation email, sent off a fax to the bank to have them cancel my Auto Debit Certificate because I don't want anyone transferring money under my name, handed a colleague my keys and left. The other accountant applauded me and said she was next. Too funny. 12:07pm I was on my way out to freedom. I am so glad I didn't cop out. I needed to prove a point. It will hopefully make some of those really nice, valuable employees think about their own situation.

          I drove to my hubs work and he gave me a great big hug and said 'better luck next time eh?' I came home and logged in here because I love this place and needed to feel apart of something I could count on. (thanks guys!).

          That is all. And again thanks! I am looking forward to a new 'healthy' beginning elsewhere.


            Have you ever simply walked off the job?

            YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you followed through and let her have a piece of your mind. Don't know if it will change her ways but I hope it will. A new job will show up that will be just perfect. For now, enjoy some downtime!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Have you ever simply walked off the job?

              Yes, yes, yes.... I am definitely going to enjoy the downtime for a little bit. Need to regroup from the drama. My only question is: "Where has summer gone?!?!?!" It is raining, cold and dark out!

              I am off now to go and pick my daughter up from daycare a bit early. I am going to give her a big hug and take her out for an ice cream. I have been snapping at the poor child the last few weeks and feel so bad. Time to get back on track and start enjoying life.


                Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                Accountable!:goodjob: :wd: :beach: :woot:
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Have you ever simply walked off the job?

                  Accountable!!! Congrats and best wishes for what's next in your future! Believe me, I do know how great it feels to let go. Nice job!!

                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

