My friend dismissed the alcohol smell as maybe she went out the night before and didn't think much about it.
But then her son who never wakes up started screaming around 3:00 a.m. the next morning and was running a temp. of 104. She took him to the pediatricians office the next day and he saw a different nurse there and his tonsils were so inflamed. My friend asked if they could have just gotten that way or were they that way when he was in yesterday. She said that they had to have been inflamed yesterday too. It couldn't have happened overnight this bad. Especially, if he was already sick when she brought him in yesterday.
My friend explained her story to whoever is higher up the ladder. She just felt that the nurse should be given a breathalizer. They just didn't seem to care at the clinic that the nurse smelled of alcohol and misdiagnosed a child. They didn't seem shocked at all about the nurse. What happened if it was much more serious and the child died? Well, I think my friend did the best thing and pulled her children out of the clinic. My friend had to take a valium after that experience. She does not sleep well.
It kind of makes you wonder how many Dr's are drinking when they are on call. I don't even want to go there!