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My baby

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    My baby

    Good morning everyone.

    Well, I managed another night last night without a glass of wine, even though am getting very stressed about leaving my baby (Max the mini..... schnauzer) tomorrow when I go and stay with my Sister for the night. It's the hen weekend! He's being looked after by my mum at my house which hopefully will help him.

    I've had him 5 years and we've only spent one night apart so far. That was when I ended up in hospital after a night out at work, needless to say I have stayed away from those occasions ever since.

    Max is following me round all the time. Does anyone have any hints on how to keep him calm (and me).

    My sister has already told me we are limited to two glasses of wine tomorrow night as it's the 'do' on Sunday afternoon. Will I be able to stay away from the alcohol, fingers crossed!

    My baby

    Take care, and be sure to better start with soft drinks, and drink plenty of water in between. Have you got any supplements yet that could stop the urge of drinking?
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      My baby

      Thanks Paddy

      Haven't got any yet as seem to be doing o.k. at the moment. Although haven't had any occasions yet where everyone else will be drinking! Are there any natural things I can get over the counter to stop cravings?



        My baby

        Good luck, i dont have any hints just starting myself.

        Will be crossing my fingers and toes for u!

        Regards Siggi.


          My baby

          Thanks Siggi,

          Good luck to you too on this journey!



            My baby

            sun, I know how you feel, we just canceled our vacation because I didn't want our 5 dogs who are older to go through seperation anxiety at the kennel. But that being said, I think Max will be OK he is in his own surroundings, he is familar with your Mom right? So he will listen to her. And its only 2 days enjoy your time with your sister and call and check on Max a lot. good luck with the wine consumption, your doing great!


              My baby

              Thanks Smileybear.

              Wow, this place is such a nice place to be! It even makes you WANT TO SUCCEED knowing everyone is rooting for you. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the weekend, just finishing packing. Yes, Max will be fine with my Mum, not sure she'll get much sleep tho!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone for all your support. I'll be on again later.



                My baby

                Woops! Think I need knew glasses lol. Simeybear not smileybear lol. Sorry x


                  My baby

                  I have two, Honey and Milly,

                  Honey cross Maltese Shitzue, and Milly is Chuhaua cross Pomeranian, we think...

                  They are so loved, and spend everyday at the beach thru summer, but come winter, they get stuck inside, but I expect a certain amount of good behavior from them, eg, no messing inside, go out when told, and eat your dinner.

                  Besides this ridgid training, they turn themselves inside out when I get home from work, They jump on my bed, want to sit on my lap, together, (juggling dogs) and lick me, BIG TIME!! ( working on the licking)

                  They bring so much happiness to my life, and make me laugh with their excitement to see me, they are my babies...

                  But I've learnt, I have to feed them after I've eaten, and not let them sleep with me on my bed, ( unless a violent thunderstorm or big winds, then they're so scared ) or else they think they rule me, and sorry, I rule them, they're dogs... very very loved dogs, but dogs.

                  And If per chance in the next life I'm a dog, and Honey or Milly is my owner, I fully expect payback, lol.

                  But dogs are dogs, and they appreciate our love and care. I know mine love me, BIG TIME, feeling their love everyday, and no judgement, yay!

                  Luv Jas xxx
                  :thanks: :h

