I do not cancel due to anything related to drinking... its not that. But yesterday, I took my youngest son for a teeth cleaning and he did just awesome. But when I checked out, the receptionist brought up the fact that I had cancelled my last two visits, and did I want to reschedule? I said..... "yes." What do you have available? It normally takes about three weeks at best to get an appt. She said, "We have a cancellation at noon tomorrow, how does that sound?" Well, I had no reason to reject it other than a babysitting issue b/c my husband and daughter (who would normaly be my back up) are college visiting until Saturday. Anyhow, to make a long story short, I booked the appt. because my niece could come babysit. I was ready to just get it over with.
It is now early morning, and I have not slept the first wink. The sun is coming up and I feel like a kid who has a big report to turn in and I havent done it yet...., and now I am finally getting sleepy! I hate this.
I am just mortified of the dentist. And no, I've never had a bad experience, not sure why I am so anxious about it. Any thoughts?