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Dentist Phobia!

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    Dentist Phobia!

    I know this is cheezy, but I have cancelled the last three dental appts because of "emergencies". But the truth is, I am scared to death of the dentist. What is up with that?

    I do not cancel due to anything related to drinking... its not that. But yesterday, I took my youngest son for a teeth cleaning and he did just awesome. But when I checked out, the receptionist brought up the fact that I had cancelled my last two visits, and did I want to reschedule? I said..... "yes." What do you have available? It normally takes about three weeks at best to get an appt. She said, "We have a cancellation at noon tomorrow, how does that sound?" Well, I had no reason to reject it other than a babysitting issue b/c my husband and daughter (who would normaly be my back up) are college visiting until Saturday. Anyhow, to make a long story short, I booked the appt. because my niece could come babysit. I was ready to just get it over with.

    It is now early morning, and I have not slept the first wink. The sun is coming up and I feel like a kid who has a big report to turn in and I havent done it yet...., and now I am finally getting sleepy! I hate this.

    I am just mortified of the dentist. And no, I've never had a bad experience, not sure why I am so anxious about it. Any thoughts?
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Dentist Phobia!

    My dentist is so kind and sweet.... its not that. And I have good teeth and stay on top of regular dental care. But I just have a bad habit since moving to a new city of getting used to a new dentist. My other one would give me that gas stuff for a few minutes first, and I could deal with it. This dentist will not consider it, but its the only one in my insurance network. I only have to get them cleaned. I dont know what my problem is.

    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Dentist Phobia!

      The truth is, I have to get one cavity filled, so that means a shot. That's it. The shot. They make it sound like its no big deal. I'm sure its not, so that's why I have no slept all night! Sigh.
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Dentist Phobia!

        Pres, do you have a valium or xanax you can take before hand? I only reccommend these for emergency rescues only, but this sound like one.I had a fear of my new dentist I explained to EVERYONE in the office from receptionist to hygenist to dentist himself my fear. They treated me with kid gloves. Just makes sure you tell everyone don't be afraid to look foolish! This is your mouth. I will be thinking about you today. Oh BTW, I now love my dentist, they give you headphones to listen to music to make it better.


          Dentist Phobia!

          Pres, tell them to put a topical numbing agent on the gum before the shot. Then have the dentist to wiggle you lip while giving you the shot. I swear you won't feel it. This is from a woman who has had everything done in her mouth!


            Dentist Phobia!

            Allie, I know around here they do sedation dentistry where they give you a pill to take shortly before you go to the dentist and it helps you relax. I don't think you are really out, just kinda in la la land? Maybe that is an option by you?

            Good luck!


              Dentist Phobia!

              Hi Prest,

              Is it particualry a shot in your mouth you don't like. If you don't mind them in your arm then maybe you could ask your dentist if they do Intravenous Sedation, my friend had this and swears by it. You will remain awake during the treatment but it will really relax you and help with the anxiety.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Dentist Phobia!

                Hi P,

                I am the same way but do not allow myself to think about it ahead of time. I pay extra for the nitrious because insurance will not cover it for the simple stuff but it is worth it to me. When I had a crown, I did the sedation dentistry and it was great. And remember, the small things like a cavity become far bigger if not addressed so you really do have to do this!

                Let us know how it goes. You will be fine. Take your ipod and listen to soothing music.


                  Dentist Phobia!

                  I know how you feel. I didn't go to the dentist for at least 10 years. But then, boy did I have problems. It take me years to repair all the damage.

                  Now I just say "It sucks, but I have GOT to go" They have new sedation techniques and new laser dentistry that is painless. Hopefully some of these options will be available to you.

                  Reward yourself afterwards - go buy some new shoes or something on the way home.

                  Good luck
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

