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Miss Charlotte coming to town

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    Miss Charlotte coming to town

    Hi All, just a note to say for the next month I won't be posting as much ( to some of you that may be a blessing) Miss Charlotte, my Mom is coming up for a month long or longer visit. She wants to be here for my biopsy. Why I don't know, but I guess it will make her feel better. ( being a breast cancer survivor, She considers herself an expert, and after all she went through in my opinion she is) Plus she gets to see her 2 great Grandchildren and is going next week with my daughter to find out the sex of Tarah's twins. If the twins cooperate. So it will be a busy time for us here. I will be having my birthday on July 24th so if you would like, please send me some good birthday wishes via pm. I'D LOVE IT!!! The biopsy is the 27th and will let you all know what is up there. I still will be on here just not as much as Miss Charlotte is a 73 year old dynamo!! It's hard to keep up with her, God love her. She lost her left breast to cancer, is blind in her right eye due to a stroke and has a permanet limp on her right leg due to a high spain that never healed right. But refuses to sue a walker. Those are for "old" people she tells me. She can be a hoot! So I'll feel like I am 7 again, that's OK!

    Miss Charlotte coming to town

    Bless you Mar!
    Will be thinking about you.
    Control the Mind


      Miss Charlotte coming to town

      Oh Mary-how nice. Some of us need our mommies-no matter how old.

      I'll be on vacation & will be popping in here and there during that time so in case I don't have a moment I'll just say it now : Good Luck and a huge Happy Birthday to one beautiful person!

      Happy Birthday!

      Attached files [img]/converted_files/284668=1235-attachment.gif[/img]
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Miss Charlotte coming to town

        That is great, I am glad she is coming!!!!


          Miss Charlotte coming to town

          Sounds like it will be great to have your mom there with you. Sounds like I would like to meet her - she must be such an inspiration to you.

          Enjoy the visit with Miss Charlotte. I'll PM you.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Miss Charlotte coming to town

            Happy Birthday Beautiful You!!!!

            Old nan sounds like a real goer! so hoping you have lots of fun, and that she still shops till she drops!

            Lot's of Love coming from Oz to both of you girls, take care and enjoy!

            Love lot's, Jas xxx
            :thanks: :h


              Miss Charlotte coming to town

              Mar, that is fabulous news, have a lovely time ...........

              We WILL miss you though ....

              Love & Hugs, BB xx

