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Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

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    Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

    I am sooo mad at my husband I have to let it out somehow or I am going to kill him or drink myself to death!:damn:

    A couple of months ago a towing company towed our truck and trailer (utility) from the property behind us. They did not have a signed posted there before they did it. I told Joe to call on it, as there was literally no warning. He did. But beings it was Saturday noone of authority was in.

    He was all big talk-like he gets when he is drunk, about what he was going to do. Fine, he does nothing. A truck and trailer worth about $2000 and he does nothing. Fine, I'm tired of always being the one to "fix things".

    So, we get a letter saying the company is suing us for $500 storage fees for the trailer. I talked with someone (I work with a dozen lawyers) and they say we really have no legal recourse as Joe DIDN"T FOLLOW UP, and they could, indeed sue us.

    SJoe didn't go to work today, he drank all nite. I am a very good communicator. I like people and I can usually communicate with almost everyone. I call the towing company and plead my case. We never saw the sign, they had already made this amount of money. They claimed the sign was put up 3 times. I swore we hadn't. I'm most courteous, no accusations except that WE didn't take down any signs and had honestly not seen them. We hadn't. So I can feel him coming my way. Then he says, okay, forget it.

    I thank my friend for her advice. I call Joe with the good news. He's drunk I realize but...."We are gonna fuck them up". I'm gonna find out the name of who owns this company and track them down, make their life a living hell"......I plead with him to drop it, he says he won't.

    Now I know this could well be all talk and he not DO anything. But damn't:damn: :xxx: :argh: I talked sooo hard, pleaded, practically begged this guy to drop it. He did. Do I get a thank you? Do I get a good job? Do I get a simple, okay, I'll leave it alone? No I get this drunken talk about revenge when he has sooo many other IMPORTANT things to think about. CAN U BLAME ME BEING TICKED!!!!!!!!!!

    Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

    Get Lushy to bitch slap him for you although she may have left for the cabin already so I will assist in her absence

    Seriously, drop the topic and he will surely move on to something else and make sure he doesn't have any of the contact info
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

      Oh boy this is a case of you almost should not tell him anything cause he does nothing or makes it worse. I do not blame you for being mad at him at all, sounds like he makes work for you and when you get it fixed he screws it up again.

      Please do not beat yourself up emotionally or with drinking, I am here for you!!! Vent Vent Vent to us.



        Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

        Hart, let it be for now, (My husband is a lot like yours in the respect that hes going to get even,but does nothing.) In about a week guilt him like hell and spend that would be fine money on something for yourself! I tell you something silly I do and get by with it every year. You know the 12 days of Christmas, everyday a gift leading up to the day of. well my bithday is July 24 so we have the 23 Days of Mary. I buy myself something everday. He just say's why could you have been born on the 1st. Hehe.
        Your the best!


          Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

          I agree with More2!!!! You did great! I'd let ya take me out for a girls night out if we lived closer.... SMILE


            Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

            (((LUV, Mary, More2, Sammys, Precious)))

            Thank you sooo much! I also vented to a coworker who is also a dear friend and her husband is named Joe and they have a lot in common (except the excess drinking). So she is always a good sounding board. Like Luv said in another post what would we do without our friends!:l :thanks:

            I still may take ((Precious)) up on the bitchslapping. Maybe that would help? I have a billion errands to run and am taking off early from work. Have to as I don't have someone to do his share.......:durn: today.

            Thanx for your support, MWO and the people here are the best!!!!


              Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

              I would be mad too and you do deserve the thank you's and appreciation. You did a great job getting yourself and Joe out of the mess.
              Maybe when he's not drinking he will realize how much you have done and offer a thank you or if you are like me I would demand a thank you (only when he's sober and not hung over).
              He's probably just drunk talking. Beer muscle thing.
              Be good to yourself!!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                Let me in on the bitch slapping too because he needs it!


                  Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                  (((Beaches, Lucky)))

                  I'm home now. Will probably be on-line a little while. I don't usually like country music but I like the Dixie Chicks, especially the song about "I'm not ready to make nice". So I childishly came home after running a bunch of errands in 105 degree weather.......this does not make me happier and play that song again and again on the DVD. My tenant, one that pays, comes out and says he likes Dixie Chicks....he's a mentally challenged (I'm not sure what the word is now) come to think of it, I'm pretty mentally challenged at times myself :H anyway, he was not complaining just commenting.

                  So I get to the door and pound the heck out of it. He comes FINALLY in all blurried eyed. I told him I left some stuff in the (I know, don't lecture me, I'm not in the mood). He brings the beer, but can't figure out where the remote to the garage is. Duh, on the visor where it always is.

                  Anyway I get on the puter, eat some lunch and am having my first beer. Not bad considering.

                  yeah, Lucky, please bitch slap him. He would be easy as he's passed out now.:ey:


                    Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                    I'll stand in line behind Lucky.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                      hart, tell him to shape up or you will send him to me for some training. We have all kinds of interesting dog training equipment around here that could be compelling for him if he doesn't respond as desired to a good and thorough bitch slapping.

                      Congratulations on your success with the $500 situation. I second the motion that you go shopping and do something nice for yourself. Bet your weekend will be...interesting.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                        I am in a real mood - I can do it for you......... no really, I can!

                        It is unfortunate and frustrating. My hubby when we first met we always got drunk. We did this for most of our relationship. The difference being I worked and he didn't. I got preggo and sobered up and he continued to sit around drinking my pay away, he tried to work at a job or two but his pot and booze were at the forefront of his mind. As time went on, I was sick and tired of his behaviour.

                        I had our daughter, and unfortunately we ended up drinking together again. This was the only way I could relate to him. I never knew him sober..... He did manage to get a job and is still there a year later, but I will never forget how easy it is to get caught up in that life again. He knows now, although he still gets shit-faced from time to time that we can't play with this fire anymore. He knows if he has drinks during the week he will more than likely combine it with some Pot and miss work because he awakes still drunk or sick. I use to go to work still pissed - we are different that way but very much the same. One thing I was really sick of was listening to his drunken big dreams and his drunken arrogance.

                        We suffer from alcoholism, and we have to fight tooth and nail to keep on track. We had split and rejoined. This time it is weird, but we are focused as much as we can be.

                        I feel your frustration. I hope he will come to realize that the life of alcoholic hell isn't worth it. My fingers are crossed for you.


                          Pissed! And I don't mean drunk....

                          (((Beaches, DG, AFM)))

                          Thanx all. I do appreciate the support. I wonder if I am taking the high road here. Yes, I went to work, yes, I completed the errands and mopped up the mess he left. But I'm drinking now. Excuse? Pretty lame, and I feel weak and bad about this.

                          How many excuses does an alcoholic use? No punchline.........

