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    Ok, I might be borderline ect...

    But why the hell do people who post threads about their farts get a better response than people who are genuinely here to get help with their drinking problem.

    And people who are lost in their addiction get fobbed off as not good enough for this site???

    I'm starting to get pissed, OFF that is.

    It's all good to talk about the crap, but isnt getting off the grog the reason why were all here?

    Please tell me if I've over stepped the mark of being a classy, good, well behaved drunk. and I'll move on to another place or site.

    But from what I understood when I joined, we are ALL DRUNKS. to varying degrees, and so thought I might be accepted and have a place here, pleae inform me if I'm wrong, and I'll look for help elsewhere.

    Love as always, Jas xxx
    :thanks: :h


    You do make a very valid point I think Jas. I think there is a need for both the frivolous and the serious and in depth posts but, it is dishartening when the frivolous seems to upstage the serious.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



      Thanx for answering..

      I guess I was having a vent, but I feel so strongly about this, and I guess I spin out a bit over people posting about their farts????

      And especially as I been taking the time to speak to people and one in particular, that sounds very lost in addiction, and REALLY needs help and support, and to read whats been said to her is mixing me up, let alone what it must be making her feel like.

      Won't go on but thanks for your care, there are some of us here who really need it, we aren't here to swap recipes, if ya know what I mean,


      Love Jasmin xxx
      :thanks: :h



        I see nothing wrong with the humorous threads and in fact they brighten my days. Again, it comes down to picking and choosing the threads that work for you. Sense of humor and finding so many others here with a similar sense of humor has actually helped me so much with my alcohol problem. I was drinking heavily because I was an angry, negative, isolated woman before I came her. The levity and laughs has really helped with my outlook on life and therefore the amount I drink. I think many others here feel the same or there would not be such a response to the lighter threads. Having said that, I feel we also address people's serious issues when they come up, and if someone is really in need and needs advice I have seen such generous outpouring of support. I love the diversity here; the funny, the serious, the recipes, etc.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



          I agree that the balance between frivolous and serious sometimes seems biased.

          I once posted a thread about joining the transplant list as many people addicted to alcohol may be at risk of liver failure. It got 3 replies!

          However, the fact that I posted about a problem with wind ( related to alcohol ) does not mean that I am not here because of a genuine desire to get where I want to be as far as drinking is concerned.

          On every occasion that I have asked for advice on my next step forward in MWO I have had honest, helpful replies. I hope, too, that in my turn I have given some help to others.

          I am sorry that you are feeling like this. I think it is something that many of us have felt at some time or other. I would hate it if you felt it necessary to leave. Like you say we are all here for the same reason.
          Enough is enough



            Hi Jas,

            I know exactly what you mean, but I think that there is room here for both sides, sometimes when i'm down I just check in here and read the fun threads ........... Other times I want to reach out for help, or to support someone that is struggling ...............

            I find that however I feel when I log on here I always feel happier when I sign out ..........

            Love & Hugs Jas, BB xx



              u got a laugh , its so much better than crying , without bein looked at as a clown, even they got a serious side 2, xxx
              if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!



                Some days I come here just to get a laugh because we have some REALLY funny members and others I come to be serious. That's why this is such a great place. I get a little of both. I pick and choose which threads to read and which not to read depending on what state of mind I am in.

                I see a mixture of everything being addressed. If you need more help with something maybe you could PM someone you have gotten really close too? I have done that before. These boards fly sometimes.

                Take care Jas.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                  We have people from all over the world checking in on this site. Everybody is so diverse and there are people who are very funny and then there are people who are very dry. Some people get offended very easily and some people are like ducks and can just shake the water off their backs.
                  It it very hard to read people over a computer. Sometimes we take people the wrong way.
                  I know there are many times I need a bigger backbone.

                  There are a lot of people pm'ing each other. So if it doesn't look like someone got a response to a thread they may be getting a lot of personal attention and you don't know it.

                  Not all people joined this site as a "problem drinker." Some are here to support their loved ones which I think is very kind.

                  The people that are having fun on the boards is their way of having fun without the bottle and there is nothing wrong with that.
                  I think that is why this site is so busy because we have a lot of funny people at MYO.

                  Jas, I can't even say the word f_rt. I hate that word! lol



                    You know Jasmin, before you get upset about what other people are posting and what the response is; you should look back and see what you have been posting and what responses you have been getting. When you have a problem or even when you post about poetry, the books you read, awards for your work, the weather, a poem, or whatever people respond to you. They want to help you if you need help. Why do you feel it is necessary to attack other threads? Looking at responses to your post, you have not been ?fobbed off as not good enough for this site???? and some of your own post meet your own description of ?It's all good to talk about the crap?

                    I looked back and here are the threads you felt worthy of being posted on this site.

                    Question about Campral 17 responses 516 views
                    Happiness and Joy ` 11 responses 130 views
                    I?m Still Hoping 05 responses 057 views
                    I Wish I Knew 39 responses 389 views
                    Severe weather warning 06 responses 071 views
                    I can?t believe I won 14 responses 128 views
                    I feel terrible 30 responses 348 views
                    Well it?s official 24 responses 316 views
                    Steer 02 responses 053 views
                    I?m humbled and inspired 06 responses 052 views
                    Missing 12 responses 184 views

                    Almost everyone here wants to help each other. I don't feel "attack" is a part of that plan. In answer to your question ?Please tell me if I've over stepped the mark of being a classy, good, well behaved drunk. and I'll move on to another place or site?. I am hearby stating I think you are over it.

                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



                      sometimes we just need to laugh at ourselves, because being serious and worried and needy and sad can be really overwhelming and exhausting.
                      The great thing about this site is that if you look and poke around you'll find threads and posts that fit your mood.


                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                        Some of us got our humor back. Many of us thought we were funny & outgoing only with the help of booze. Take booze away & guess what-we can be funny and amusing.

                        We are all at different levels and some of us need more upbeat threads to take away from our daily struggles.

                        Very well said Bear.
                        Your Thread: Severe weather warning 06 responses 071 views had nothing to do with helping with an alcoholic problem but yet people viewed it & responded.
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic




                          MD said it the best .............



                            It was 3 am in the morning for Jas when she posted this - there could be more to it than meets the eye.

                            She had some confronting news in the past few days and may well be struggling. Let's wait and see before we pass judgement hey guys?

                            It always seems impossible until it's done....



                              I agree that it has been SO good to laugh here. It also has helped me to get over my own idea of what drinkers are like. Here we see that we are at times desperate, depressed, jubilant, fretful, compassionate, loving, generous, angry, silly, intelligent, exciting, petty, boring, fun, and moody. Which means... here at MWO, thank heavens, we get to see that we are just like everybody else on the planet.
                              And we - obviously - get to throw a hissy fit once in awhile.

